Chapter 15

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Why was Rheese telling me all the time, that he will love me always? Did he know of worse things that could possibly go wrong? Like what happened before?

I brushed all my unanswered questions aside and try to focus on the here and now.
After our love making, Rheese left me to use the bathroom and get dressed.
As I walked down the stairs, I could hear voices coming from what must be the kitchen. When I entered, Rheese and his dad was sitting at the kitchen table and his mom, Jone, was busy at the kitchen counter, finishing off with breakfast.
"Good morning, everyone," I greeted cheerfully as I entered the kitchen making my presence known, feeling shy with what just happened upstairs in Rheese's old bedroom.
"Elizabeth! Come join us," Jone said enthusiasticly.
The Rheese and his dad stood up as I walked to over to the table where they were seated and all I could do was smile.
I took a seat and they followed after. I could not help to think that this was going to be my family when we were married.
The only person that I haven't met yet, was Rheese's sister, Diane. I was dreading that moment. Diane was best friends with Gerry and I really didn't think that she will take a liking to me. After all, Gerry, was the one that was carrying Rheese's child and not me.

"Liz, are you okay? You so deep in thought. My dad was asking you if you had a good night's sleep?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I really had a good sleep, Mr. Carter. Thanks for asking."
"Liz - NO - Mr. Carter. Please call me George. After all you'll be part of the family soon enough. And I'm glad you had a good night's sleep."
It wasn't long before Jone had a full on English breakfast in front of us. We made small talk from discussing the weather to what Netflix series I found interesting.
While Rheese continued talking to his parents, I was thinking when last I sat down with my mom and sister like this. And how much I was really missing a male, my father, in my formative years.


When the conversation went to mute, I looked at Liz and wondered what she was thinking about. Looking at her plate deep in thought. It looked like she hardly had anything to eat, still messing with her fork in the scrambled egg.
We had to meet up with Gerry in a couple of days to discuss what was gonna happen after the baby arrives, with me living in Cape Town now. I haven't thought things through properly and I still had to inform Liz of our future plans. But now that Lillian left, I could talk freely with Liz about it. I didn't want her to be left out in the dark again knowing what happened last time.
It was late in the morning and I wanted to get back home to spend some quality time with Liz.

"Liz are you ready to go?" I asked and she nodded her head with a smile on her face.

"Do you have to leave so soon, Rheese? I still wanted to sit down and talk to Elizabeth and show her my rose garden," my mom said, sounding disappointed.
"Mom, we'll be here for a long time still, so I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to talk to Liz and show her around. And if you don't mind I want to be alone with her for the next couple of days." I could see that wasn't the answer Jone was looking for but she didn't have a choice but to let it go. After what seemed like forever to get away from my mom, we said our final goodbye and it wasn't long before we were on the road heading in the direction of home.


As I was relaxing on our drive back to Rheese's home, I had a nauseous feeling like I had before but how on earth was I gonna get hold of a pregnancy test again. I didn't have Ben to call on this time. I would have to think of something to tell Rheese so I could get to a pharmacy.
Thinking of Ben made me wonder what he was doing back home and if he missed his old friend.
I must have drifted off to sleep for when I opened my eyes, we were standing in front of the house.
"Hey, you. Did you have a good nap?"
"I did but why didn't you wake me? Rheese... how long have we been here?"
"Not that long. You looked so beautiful sleeping, that I couldn't find it in my heart to wake you up. Now that you're awake, we can head inside."
Before I could open the car door, Rheese was there first, as always, opening the door for me and I climbed out, taking hold of his outstretched hand.
As we walked up to the front door, my knees suddenly gave way as everything went black in front of me.
"Liz... Liz..."
I could hear Rheese's voice in the distance and as my eyes slowly opened I was in his room on the bed.
"Liz, thank God you okay. You gave me such a scare." Rheese was all over me. Kissing and holding me tight.
"Rheese, I'm fine. I must have fainted. I'm okay now. Stop stressing. I'm fine." I said, trying to reassure him that I was okay.
"Liz, what is going on with you. I didn't want to say anything but you've been looking pale for a few days now. Tell me what's going on. Please don't hide things from me, please."
Now was good a time as any to tell him that I think I could be pregnant. I looked at the blue eyes  looking at me intensely and fell in love with him all over again.
"Can you get me some tea to drink. I think I'll feel better after it," I asked trying to prolong time.
"Okay, I'll make you some."
He kissed me on the forehead before leaving me alone. All I wanted was a nice warm bubble bath and I got up to run me one.
I got into the bath, bubbles surrounding me, the smell of my favourite scent, lavender tickling my nose as I sank deep into the water. I could feel all the tension I had in my body leaving and my muscles relaxing.
'Aaaah...this feels soooo good' I mumbled to myself. If there was one thing that I thought was better than sex, then it would be a warm Radox bubble bath. I'm sure if Rheese heard me say that he would give me a spanking. I burst out laughing at the thought of him actually giving me a spanking because he was the only one I ever had sex with and comparing his love making to a bubble bath.
"And what are we laughing about after you were almost half dead in my arms, if I may ask," his voice startling me as he entered the bathroom with the cup of tea in his hands.
"I'm not telling. It's for me to know and for you to find out," I replied, giggling like a teenager.
"Oh, really. You know I have ways and means of finding out things. You do know that."
He placed the tea down next to me and started getting undressed. From the look in his eyes, I was in for another one of my favourite things, making love to Rheese. Just as he was about to get into the bath to join me, the doorbell rang but Rheese ignored it. He was just about to sit opposite me when it went again.
"I think you better get that," I giggled, as he started cursing whoever was at the door. I looked at Rheese's naked muscular body and I couldn't help but feel a swell of desire rise within me and for a minute I wanted to tell him to get back in the bath and to forget whoever it was at the door. I watched him leave as he wrapped a towel around his waist and disappeared from view.

When he didn't come back up again, I washed myself and got out of the bath, wrapping the towel around my body. But when I walked into the bedroom, I got the biggest surprise of my life.
"Suprise!!" Ben shouted as I walked into the bedroom.
I couldn't believe that Ben was standing in front of me.
"Ben!" I shouted back, super excited too see my best friend.
"What are you doing here. I was just thinking about you. I'm so happy that you're here,' I ran to him an gave him a bear hug.
"You didn't think that I was just gonna feed you to the wolves down here in London, did you? And I hope it was good thoughts you had about me."
"Ben, I've got so much to tell you. I've only been here a few days but so much has happened already."
"Well, I'm here for a few weeks aswell so we have all the time in the world to talk and do some sightseeing by ourselves without the guys smothering us."
Just then Rheese walked into the bedroom.
"Before you walk off with my girl, let us get dressed first.
"You, missy..." he walked up, pulled me towards him and gave me one of his passionate kisses, "...will be the death of me yet."
We got dressed and made our way down the stairs to our best friends.


This wasn't a very long chapter but I wanted you to have something to read. I have been having trouble putting my thoughts on paper but I'm getting my inspiration back. Hope you enjoy it...

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