Chapter 8

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It's been awhile since I've written a chapter and this one is long overdue. I've been busy with a third book, ' I just came here to dance ' go and check it out. My attention was on that but I'm back with Elizabeth and Rheese's story. Let's see how it will play out for them.



I woke up with the one person in the world that made my life colourful, Liz.
She looked so beautiful laying in my arms, sleeping soundly.

Last night when I got home Liz was fast asleep. Judging from the empty takeaway boxes Liz and Ben must have decided to stay in. I was relieved that she didn't venture out cause quite frankly just the thought of Liz  being out without me, had my stomach in knots. Looking at her know, I can't help but think of last night as I woke her with sweet kisses and made love to her.
There was never a time that I didn't want her under me, and having my way with her.

It was nearing the time for us to go to London and I was becoming quite anxious.
The tickets was booked, passports ready and I couldn't help but feel that after this trip my world would change once more by becoming a dad. Fuck, who knew that I would see this happening.

My life has changed so drastically over the past months. Who knew making this move to Cape Town would bring me such happiness and joy. Not only in my professional life but also in my personal life.

I was glad that Liz was a part of my new life now.
Maybe her sharing this experience with me becoming a father and her having to play a part in it, would compensate for losing our baby.

As soon as the baby was born I wanted to get custody of it. This was still kept a secret from Liz and most of all Gerry, not knowing how either one would take the news but that was not by far my main concern. Making a mental note to speak to Liz about it before I spoke to Gerry.
The person that I needed protected was Liz after all.
She was the one that I've hurt and I was never gonna let that happen again.
We would be leaving in two weeks and for now I wanted time well spend with Liz.
As Liz was laying fast asleep next to me all I wanted to do was reach over and touch her dark olive skin that felt like silk beneath my fingertips but decided to leave sleeping beauty in her dreams.

Walking out of our bedroom I looked over to the kitchen to discover Ben busy making coffee.
"Hi, Ben." he looked up and giving me a weak smile.
"Hi, Rheese." his voice barely audible.
"Did you have a desent sleep last night?" I asked Ben looked at me but I could sense that he was a little uncomfortable in my presence.
All I got was a nod of the head before he took his coffee and fled to the room.
I wasn't sure what that was about and poured myself a cup of coffee not over thinking his reaction.

Last night was a late night at work but the reward that I got from it was worth the long hours put in. I walked over to the balcony and sat down, stretching out on the lounger.
Sitting in a daze overlooking the beautiful view, I heard Ben clear his throat.
"Rheese, can you tell Liz I'll give her a call later. Cheers for now."
Something was definitely wrong with him. This was not normal behavior coming from him. I would have to give Keith a call later to find out if everything was okay with their love life because I don't think Liz would tell me anything.
"Cheers Ben. I'll tell Liz when she wakes up." smiling at him.

When I walked back into the bedroom later, Liz was still sleeping like a baby. This was unusual for her to sleep late. I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. Taking off my pants, I crept into bed next to her.

I moved right up against her back, wiggling my erection, so she could wake. Touching Liz was something I loved doing. Always finding pleasure in exploring her body that only belonged to me.
It wasn't long before my hands started straying to her breasts. I smiled like a naughty child finding it's favourite toy.
Her nipples peaked at my touch and I was loving the way her body always responded.

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