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Yesterday I didn't go to school I just spent the day at home binging ugh. I'm so mad at myself for that. But I did watch video on dieting and stuff.

They say don't eat at night. Plan meals. Eat small but throughout the day. Don't skip meals leads to binging/overeating. Use small silverware and plates trick ur mind into thinking your eating more but really it's less.

I already knew all of this but it's just a reminder and help for others.

Right now I'm on the bus and feeling very sick as in lightheaded. I mean I've always gotten migraines even before all of this but I guess now it just bugs me more... I'm not sure. The doctors say I'm hypoglycemic but I don't have to check my blood pressure and I can't go to a doctor because I don't have insurance. Not that I need to. But soon when I'm thin I'll need weight for when they weigh me. Can't wait to go home and drink water.

I ended up eating more ugh! I had. Brownies and potato stuff. I was 123.5 the purged down to 122.5. Just now I ate some more and I'm craving sushi I can't purge so... I also frank lots of water. At this point I'm probably 124 ugh.

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