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Mitch absolutely adored Alyssa. She was so sweet. Much better than Scott, who seemed as a total ass.

Mitch had always been one to study people, try and find out what kinds of people they were. He noticed how she held her stomach, how she always smiled as she spoke. He also noticed the small worried looks she would cast behind her, how her eyebrows would furrow in the middle of her sentences with worry before her face smoothed out.

"Well, come in, come in. I don't want to leave Kevin alone for too long, especially since Avi has been sitting with him and egging on the Grenture twins."

Mitch followed a long behind her and kept glancing around at the beds. Many were occupied, the men, women, and even children, covered in sores and bandages.

What happened? Why were all these people hurt?

Almost as though Scott could read his mind, he growled in his ear.

"Grave Stalkers. They are hunters. That clan hates us. They attacked us nearly two weeks ago. Men, women, children, everyone. Uri has been in a coma for days." He gestured to a large, dark skinned man, with that mocha skinned girl from earlier and a new face, a pale, blond haired boy younger than Mitch. "Kevin was stabbed, been on bed rest since while it heals. Grenture children are right there." He pointed to a pair of dark haired children snuggling on one of the beds.

The boy, who had raven black hair, looked up at the sound of Scott's voice and Mitch gasped at the milky gold eye and puckered scar on his face.

"Silver powder. The Grave Stalker pinned him down and dumped it on his face. His sister was blinded after she tried to defend him. They are only twelve."

Mitch turned his head, feeling sick to his stomach at the thought. Who could be so vile, so heartless, that they would do such things to children, to families? Mitch's gaze drifted over to the three siblings, Uri and his brother and sister.

Aspen was staring at his face, eyes glowing with to emotions. Rage and hope. The two fires danced in her Orange hazel eyes as she stroked her slim thumb over the bigger male's knuckles, occasionally bringing it up to her lips and whispering against it, the fires momentarily subdued by sadness and pain.

Finally, he had to turn away and Scott's arm immediately wrapped around him, pulling him so close that all he could see was the cloth of Scott's shirt and the lines of his toned body underneath.

At last, at the far end, they met up with Alyssa, Kevin, a soft spoken, big smiled, dark skinned man who lovingly kissed Alyssa's cheek, and Avi, a green eyed man with a very fine beard who seemed very put out about being stuck in bed.

"Well, if it isn't Alpha and the new Half-Bound. Let me guess, Alpha. You sensed his distress and pulled him close to comfort him?" Avi's voice rumbled as he grinned at Scott.

Instantly, Scott's grip fell away and he all but pushed Mitch away from him.

Mitch said nothing. He was used to being discarded. That's what he mother had done with him. Discarded him into his father. That's what his father had done, discarded him like a piece of trash. But, he kept him in that house, forced him to stay under the abusive hand of his father.

"Don't be an Ass. He doesn't understand any of this." Avi growled, shifting to sit up in bed.

"Oh, and I suppose you know what feeling as well?" Scott said grumpily.

"He is confused and scared. He woke up in a dark room, alone, in a pair of clothes he doesn't remember, with an aching Scar on his throat. Then, he feels connected. A strange feeling, as though something is ever so slightly tugging at him. A person appears, and starts to order him around while he stands there, confused and afraid." Avi described everything he was feeling. Almost perfectly.

"And you know this because...?" Scott said, still standing away from Mitch, who was in a corner, watching the goings on of the group.

"Because, that was how my life was for months before Tori finally let me return the favor. I couldn't be away from her, and I had to watch as others got close to her, unable to figure out why I couldn't. I was confused. So many new rules. So many new faces. I had to cut all ties with my families. I haven't seen my older brother or sister in years. It is scary. So give him a break and stop being an asshat." Avi nudged him a bit, the hit more of a sharp jab, and nodded in Mitch's direction.

Sighing, Scott gestures for the skinny Half-bound to draw closer.

"Is there any family you want to say goodbye to?" He asked resignedly.

"I don't have any family." Mitch lied, looking down at the floor. Sighing again, Scott gabbed his chin and forced Mitch to look up at him.

"Do not lie to me. I know you are. I can feel it." He snarled. "Rule number two; you will not lie to me. At all. Now tell me, is there any family you have?"

"A father." Mitch said weakly after a moment. "But I don't want to say goodbye to him."

"Well that is a first." Avi murmured, looking to the Alpha and his new Half-Bound. A Half-bound that didn't want to see his family. A very strange concept.

"That man had done nothing in my life to make me want to go back. You never asked why I was in the park at all that late." Mitch added the last part as more of an after thought.

"Well then, tell me why." Scott commanded. His voice was soft, almost a whisper, but Mitch could hear the order in his voice. Even though Mitch knew his answer, he still paused for several moments, risking anger from Scott.


Ahhhh!!!! I am so sorry that this has taken so long! But, I have a reason.

I am in multiple college level classes and even when I have free time after those, I have just been so drained that I don't have any muse for anything. This chapter alone has been in the works for weeks, just sitting there, ignored.

But here it is! Yay!

Tell me, what YouTubers and other famous people would you like to see in this story?

The wolf above is Kirstie.

And in case it is a little confusing, here are a few things you might want to know:
Kevin and Alyssa are mates, and Alyssa has a child on the way.
Avi and Tori(Kelly) are mated, but do not have kids yet.
The term Driscoll is an extremely derogatory term, such as the N word or even Faggot that is used for those that have been turned. As werewolves, they prize bloodlines and being able to choose your mate. Because Werewolves claim their mate through bites, those that have been turned are Half-bounds, people bound to those that bit then. A lot of the time, these werewolves remain Half-Bound, as the one that turned them falls in love with someone else, and as they are bound, they cannot close another mate.

So, just a little explanation.

Oh, and Stay Sexy

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