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Mitch barely touched his food, looking down at himself. His ribs were still prominent, but he didn't feel the familiar pang of hunger. It felt almost wrong. He was growing to used to this, and it felt wrong.

"Mitch?" Scott asked in concern, causing the burnet to look up.

"Yeah?" He asked lowly.

"Eat." There was no denying the order in his voice.

"But I'm not-" He tried to protest.

"New rule." Scott cut him off. "You may not skip a meal. Now eat." The blond alpha went back to his own food, though Mitch did not.

He nudged the food away from him. "I'm not hungry." He said lowly and folded his arms with a small frown.

"I don't care. Eat." Scott replied, gaze raising to look at Mitch, blue irises darkening as his eyes narrowed slightly.

Mitch kept his gaze away from Scott's, submitting enough to down cast his eyes, but not to the point where he did as told.

"Mitchell. Why do you not want to eat?" Mitch heard his Alpha ask, making him shrink down a little in his seat. He, of course, didn't respond to Scott, earning a warning growl.

"Not hungry..." He finally answered.

"And why not?" Scott stood and walked over to his side and forced his gaze upwards. Despite the harsh tone, Scott's blue eyes were worried, scanning over him.

"I'm just not." He answered, making the alpha sigh.

"Mitch, you came to me as little more than skin, scar tissue, and bone. Even now, you are still so skinny. So why are you not hungry?" Scott interrogated.

"Because I'm eating, okay?" Mitch finally replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I grew up most of my life eating just enough to keep me alive, and now, I'm eating so much, that I'm not hungry. I can't stomach food like you. My body still isn't used to me eating more than once every few days." He growled, words angry, and a bit disrespectful.

"Watch your tone, Mitch." Scott said warningly, causing the other boy to shrink a little. Scott sighed. "I know you have grown up on only a small amount of food, but you're physiologically much different than before. You need to eat much more than you do to sustain yourself healthily."

"Good luck getting that to happen." Mitch replied bitterly, leaning back in his chair, then looked up as his Alpha stood and walked over to him.

"You start doing your best to eat just a little more than the day before." He told him as he lifted Mitch's chin.

"Yes Alpha." He grumbled, arms still crossed. He couldn't believe he was actually arguing about having to eat.

"Good." Scott said in satisfaction and walked back to his own spot. "Now, do you remember much from the night before?"

I actually updated. Its not super super long, but here you go.


Few life updates:
I got rats. Or my sister and I each got a rat and they live together.
Finally put of my damn math teacher's class.
I am out of my brace after surgery and can walk just fine.

Questions? Concerns? Comments?

Oh, and stay Sexy,

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