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It has been a week since Mitch's incident. Right now, he stood in a storage room of sorts, staring at Alyssa.

"Arms up. Like I have show you." She instructed, lifting her own arms. Once Mitch followed, she grinned. "Good. Now, if you are backed into a corner, what do you do first?"

"Tell them to back off?" He tried, not confident in his answer.

"Very good!" Alyssa praised. "Draw attention to yourself. But, what if there is no one around, and that doesn't work?"

"Run if I can. If I can't, I have to put my hands up to help protect my face and my ribs." Mitch had to be taught the first part, as running when his attacker was his father, or even the kids at school, was a very bad idea. But he knew the protect your face part by heart. "If they are close, go for the eyes or for the stomach. Be unpredictable."

"What if they grab you from behind?"

"Drop straight to the ground, use my weight I can also throw them over my back, by grabbing on either side of their elbow and then throwing my weight around. I can use a heel stomp and also kick them really hard." He grinned.

"Good! Now, are you ready to try them out?" Alyssa gave him her own tender smile.

Mitch blanched. "O-on you?" She was pregnant, and he was also taller than she was by quite a bit.

"No." She chuckled. Another voice spoke before she could continue.

"You will be going against me." Scott. Mitch should have realized his alpha was near, the ache in his chest gone.

"Sir." Alyssa said meekly.

"Good job Alyssa. I knew you would make me proud. Now, are you ready to test what you know?" Scott moved around to stand beside Alyssa.

"Yes sir." He answered unsurely. He toed the ground in front of him, looking down.

"Well, better to see that now than when you need it."

"Yes sir. I understand-" Scott was already advancing on him before he even finished.

He couldn't help the little spark of fear in his heart, the one that made it skip a beat.

"B-back off." He ordered nervously. He wasn't used to demanding like that. Usually it was begging and crying.

Almost as though Scott was afraid someone would hear, he paused and glanced momentarily around, giving just enough of a gap for Mitch to bolt.

On either side of him were walls, so his only get was past Scott.

Laughing maliciously, Scott grabbed his arm and yanked him back in front of him, closing even more on him.

"Oh no. Looks like you were unsuccessful." The blond mocked.

Suddenly, it wasn't Scott he was facing, it was a kid in school.

Instinctively, his hands went up to his face and he took a step backwards.

When Scott kept advancing, he struck out and hit him right in the sternum. Scott stopped and gasped for air, Mitch skirting around him. Scott had weight, but Mitch...He had surprise. And that was all he needed.

"Damn." Scott wheezed, turning around to smile at Mitch, hand over where he had been hit. "You have quite the punch."

"Sorry Sir." Mitch was kneeling on the ground.

"Uh-uh." Scott scolded. "None of that. Remember?"

"Yes. Sorry Sir." Mitch stood again and Scott walked up to hug him. "Let go get you all showered and ready for dinner." Scott caught Alyssa's eye and she gave him a grin, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively before walking out of the room.

"Aren't we just eating with the pack?" Mitch questioned, confused.

"No. I have a special plan for dinner tonight, for you and me."

That was all the more Scott would tell Mitch, no matter how much the latter asked. Finally, he gave up.

As a small retaliation, Mitch closed the bathroom door in Scott's face. Usually, they would leave the door open if they were showering, in case either of them needed the other.

Sighing, Mitch looked at himself in the mirror. There was a bruise on his cheek from his training yesterday, and his extremities fared no better.

His reflection was almost unrecognizable. Last time he really sturdier his face, his father had been really upset. He had a swollen eye, the other dragged down by tired bags, split lip, cut across his black and blue cheek. The face he saw now was so different. No blood, the bags he had come to expect were almost gone, his eyes even had a little life in them.

"Ripped gloves, raincoat
Tried to swim, stay afloat
Dry house, wet clothes
Loose change, bank notes
Weary-eyed, dry throat
Call girl, no phone." Mitch looked over to the door as he heard Scott singing, the Alpha's voice making his heart warm. There was something about Scott that Mitch just couldn't shake.

He felt things for Scott that he had never even imagined he would feel. He always thought that any relationship he for into would be for the other person's pleasure, yet Scott seemed to care more about what he could do for Mitch what what Mitch could offer him.

He was so torn about what that feeling was. It was more than adoration. But, was it strong enough to be love?

Shaking his head, Mitch took one last glimpse at his reflection before he moved closer to the tub to strip. As he turned the water on, he had one last comparison.

This reflection smiled back.

Okay. This author's note is not relevant to the book but I have to share.

My mom is a beekeeper. We have 3 hives now, rules by Bee-anca, Bee-yoncé, and the newly renamed Bee-atch(formerly Bambee. But Bambi wasn't mean). Well, when first starting them off, most use Probiotic syrup. Well, when In was helping my mom at her work, deseret give supply, I was filling these gallon jugs up. I got some of the Probiotic on my finger and kicked it off, expecting it to be sweet. I was wrong. It was bitter. You wanna know what It tasted like? Mint and disappointment. I was telling my cousin this and started to giggle, saying "disapoint'mint'. Took me writing out d-i-s-a-p-p-o-i-n-t-"-m-i-n-t-" for her to get it.

Another funny story. So, I have watched Supernatural all the way through( except 12) 2×. And today, in was watching it with my mother. Well, I was telling my Bean about it and she said "I can't even marathon 5 episodes of the same show!" to which I responses with "my record is like a reason a day." She then said "Girl!"(or something to that effect). Me:"Think of it as my skill."
Her: I say your skill is making weird jokes."
Me: "I didn't make my brother. But otherwise, you are correct."

Oh, I am freaking funny..

That is all. Just wanted to spread some positivity. Love you all.

Also, I wanted y'all to have this gift since my AP test is tomorrow. If I die, known it was for a good cause. Lol.

Oh, and stay sexy

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