chapter 2 bowling ally

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Mia  POV

(Skipped to school) so when we walked in all eyes was on us couple nigga tryna holla but we had our eyes set on 1 nigga and one nigga only so when I sawll them I said to my sister they walking right towred us they start laughing knowing they like them so they stopped in front of us and we stopped in front of then and it was ditch day on the first day of school so we exchanged numbers and we left out of school and we went to our house cause we live in our own house and we lived in a condo so when we got to the house the boys were speachchless

Kendal POV
We got to this big ass house and I was speechless at how big it was so I said "damn this big what we finna do  have sex and then they all said to us at the same time y'all wanna go out of course we said ya I have a crush on her an so do my bros with the other girls  so we said yea and then he we all kissed and then Christan said " we going bowling and if the boys win u gotta do a strip tease and if the girls win we gotta make y'all a 5 * dinner and we made a real

Maria POV

So we at the bowling ally and so far the boys are winning and so we went over there and teased them making them miss and so when it was are turn they can and kissed our necks and so we lost and so we made to give them there strip tease

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