chapter 2 strip tease

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Mia pov

So I turned on private room and I was dancing (song:) let me take control of you an it no telling what we gone yo body baby me and u up in this room all up in this rooumm girl we an it in love what u know know know they just want the sex on the go go go they just hopping stage going on an on hoping on the pole all night that's wrong man man man man these stripers they be making money man man man man these strips they be making money unless u throughing cashhh then they anit shaking no assess in that langrie that u wore me  ) song over I was swaing my hips to the beat and he was moaning an I guess all the other boys was getting the same effections and the song was over and so I went and stopped the next song from coming on and so then I was sleepy so we all went to bed

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