Fuck you jessica

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An autistic fan fiction made by my friend who then let all 4 of us add onto it. I corrected most of it ( and wrote some) the best I could without changing it too much
Beginning isn't too well written but it gets better I promise!! This was MEANT to be a joke so don't take it seriously.
I've never watched this anime and I don't think I ever will after reading this lmao

Kaname was looking out of the classroom at the silver haired boy peacefully sleeping under a tree. Kaname looked at Zero who started stirring in his sleep, he then stopped moving in a position that showed off his tattoo that was on his neck. Kaname looked at the pale skin with red eyes, he closed his eyes and excused himself from class.
The night class just stared at the retreating figure.
Zero on the other hand woke up and dazedly started walking to the barn, so he could sleep next to White Lily. He almost got there until a figure slammed him to the ground. The ex-human was now on high alert trying to get his attacker off of him, zero opened his eyes and looked at the man on top of him and immediately recognized him-"KURAN?!" , Zero said with surprise "Get off me!" , "Hn, why should I." Kaname said pinning Zeros hands above his head using his vampire strength. Kaname leaned and nipped at Zeros neck, and ears. Zeros face became beat red, that is until Kaname licked his neck, Zeros face was stricken with fear- he had felt this before and didn't want to be bitten by a pure blood again.
"Zero where are you?!" Yuki yelled. Kaname perked up, he picked up Zero bridle style and vanished into his room. Zero was horrified and couldn't seem to get himself to run or even move his body- once realization hit him he tried to make a run for it, but Kaname being faster, and stronger caught Zero and chained his hands above his head "Kyyaa Kaname must have been planning this?!?" Zero thought in his mind as he tried to separate his  hands and pull away but couldn't. He was totally vulnerable to the shitty pure blood. Kaname then resumed where they left off.
He started licking Zeros neck and bit down on him, his blood started to seep down his shirt, he squirmed as the pain was the only thing on his mind. Ahh~

Vampire Knight 18+ ( Yuki x Kaname x Zero Where stories live. Discover now