Chapter 1 We Meet Again

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Jeon jungkook(we meet again)

(3years ago)
(You are 16 years old)
(You were walking with your best friend who you knew since you were 5.. You guys have always been there for each other. Theres no one you could trust more than him. )
Jungkook: yah y/n-sshi are you even paying attention
(You were staring at your long time crush, park jimin. You knew that he would never like you back even though you were rich. And even if he did, it would only be for your money.)
Y/n: "hm? Oh sorry . What were you saying?" (You quickly turn away)
Jungkook: "hmm.. (Looks over your shoulder) are you still not over him yet?"
Y/n: "i dont like him."
??: "yeah right"
Y/n: "i said i dont"
??: "why cant you just like someone who isnt such a playboy..someone who cares about you.."
(Just then you turned around to face were mad..mostly embarrassed..instead you accidentally bump into someone else)
(You fell right to the ground without looking at who is was)
Y/n: "im so sorry.."
(You got up embarassed and when you looked at who the person was , you almost fainted)
Y/n: "umm jimin, can you please get out of the way" (you said while he stood infront of you without uttering a single word)
(You turned to walk the other direction, someone grabs you)
??:" yah!!! You little brat!! You just hit my boyfriend!! Cant you atleast say sorry?"
Y/n:(you scoffed) "tiffany,cant you just mind your own business? I already said sorry to your little 'boyfriend'"
(Tiffany raises her hand about to slap you, you close your eyes prepared )
Y/n: j-jungkook?
Jungkook: "dont you dare touch her" (he said while holding tiffanys hand in the air)
(He pulls you away while jimin just stares and walks away shaking his head)
Y/n: "jungkook..thanks.."
Jungkook: "no problem"
Y/n: "i actually have something to tell you" (you said as a tear fell down your face)
Jungkook: "is everything okay???"
Y/n: "no.."
Jungkook: "what is it?" (He gently placed his hand on your cheek and wipes the tear)
Y/n: "im leaving.."
Jungkook:" what do you mean"
Y/n: "im moving to australia.."
Jungkook:"what??!! How long????"
Y/n: "i will be gone for t-three years"
(A tear fell down his couldnt see him that way)
Y/n:"stop crying"
Jungkook:"how can i stop? You will be gone for three years! Why the hell are you even leavinng?!"
Y/n:"my dad wants me to join his company..they will train me in europe"
Jungkook:"do you even want to go?"
Jungkook:"what do you mean you dont know?!?! You think just cause your rich and popular, you can just leave me like this? Do you know how painful this is to me?"
Y/n:"i thought you would understand."
Jungkook:"so you expect me to forget about you?"
Y/n:"what are you talking about"
Jungkook:"i love you y/n.. You have never seen that. I always try to tell you but you never listen. You go after all these bad guys when im right here..cant you see that?"(his tears were streaming down like a waterfall)
Y/n:i-im sorry..
Jungkook:"i can see my your expression,you never felt the same"(he walked away dissapointed"
Y/n:"jungkook..i wanted to spend this day with you..your my best leaving tomorrow ..dont leave me like this"(you stood there crying as he didnt hear you)


JEON JUNGKOOK FF WE MEET AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now