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My baby brother is 5 and I don't know how I feel about it. I remember the day that precious angel was born. I love him lots and lots and he's a resilient little boy. He's gonr through some shit for his time, and he didn't deserve any of it. The way his little hazel eyes light up when he laughs just makes me feel so happy. He has this cute little stutter and it's adorable. When my dad makes me cry he calls him and tells him that he's "a stupid idiot" and that he doesn't like him because he made "MY daya cry". This precious little thing gives me so much joy. I don't think it's possible to have a better little brother. Well, not only little brother. He's my best friend. And he acts like my protecter. And overall he is sometimes one of the only two things that make me happy. I can't imagine my life without him. Without a doubt, October 27th 2011 at 7:30am was the exact moment when my life when from okay to amazing. He is sweet. He is smart. He is funny. He is adorable. He is my life. When I'm sad he comes and curls up with my and it's sweet. Daya loves yoy sweetie ♡♡

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