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I dont know guys. The past month or so has been kinda super exausting.

My church's youth pastor who I'm really close to (he even baptized me) is moving to Missouri, and tomorrow is his last Sunday with us. And I understand all the "He'll be happier, it'll be better for him", but to be quite honest that makes it worse. Isn't "They'll be happier" always worse?

Then, my grandpa went to go get his heart checked. Just a check up, you know? No. They found out that at sometime or another he had a heart attack, and has multiple blocks right now, so he's having a bypass December 2nd.

And then to top it all of school has just been kinda awful ya know. Particularly orchestra, simply because my teacher hasn't has us practice a long ass piece that we have to have nearly perfect by December 8th. And then this one asshole keeps making comments about the lgbtq+ society, particularly transgender people, which is really fucking shitty of him.

I don't know, Im sorry for complaining, because in reality I could have it a lot worse.

Reminder that I'm always here to talk if you need it, love you guys.


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