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So alot has happened since I last updated.

For starters, my grandpa had surgery, he's all good and back to my old grandpa and he's usually calmee and I'm happy about that.

Lately my mental health has kinda spiraled down hill, but not for the reasons I didn't tell you about a few weeks ago (probably about one of you knows).

I don't even have a reason for most of it, but lately I've started havinf breakdowns almost as regularly as I did last year, which is actually sort or terrifying. In fact, when I was in the van with my church's youth group last night, my friend and I were having a normal conversation, and all of a sudden I started to panic. She noticed and helped calm me down so shoutout to you B*****.

Also, I've been struggling with my body image lately. Not so much my height, it's decent down here (Im 5'0"). My weight more specifically. I haven't gained any, but lately I have felt enormously fat. If I'm completely honest, I've skipped meals in the past month, the past week, and even today. I'm still eating, just not as much. Also, it didn't help when my dad kept making me check to see if the already too big pants fit right. Also, one of the people I hang out with, not really my friend though, told me I was fat recently and I just feel kind of disgusting.

Anyways, I love you all, goodnight friends

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