DF Prickly pear service

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Hollyleaf: I have been saving this number for something important... *Types in, 1-800-99DF-Prickpear*

Person on other end of phone: Hello, welcome to the DF's prickly pear service, how many would you like?

Hollyleaf: Hmmm...... five!

Person on other end of phone: They will be right over!

*Ten minutes later*

Hollyleaf: *Spits a spitball on the roof*

Person at door: Excuse me, are you Hollyleaf?

Hollyleaf: *Walks out and sees Darkstripe holding a white bag with a green circle with black words on it and a matching hat* How much is it?

Darkstripe: Fifteen dollars and twenty cents mam!

Hollyleaf: *Shoves money in face and grabs bag. Slams door* Now to prepare the rabbit.... *Pulls out prickly pears and note at bottom of bag. NOTE: Prickly pears are cactuses and only grow in the DF Prickly pear green house.* I wonder what DF means..... Oh, well! *Puts prickly pears inside of dead rabbit* Hehehehe!

Firestar: *Talking to Bluestar* Ok, see you later!

Hollyleaf: *Runs up to Firestar with rabbit* Hey, gramps! I got a rabbit! Just for you!

Firestar: What now.....

Hollyleaf: *Drops rabbit at feet* Eat it! *Giggles*

Firestar: *Looks at Hollyleaf. Prods rabbit* Whatever. *Eats rabbit* Yum, so good so far..... *Continues eating* OUCH! *Sticks out tongue* Wha is tis?

Hollyleaf: PRICKLY PEAR! *Runs away*

Firestar: *Kicks out*

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