Waffle time

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Hollyleaf: *Is having a meeting with other cats who want to annoy Firestar* Ok, we have this all planed out, correct?

Snowfur: Yep!

Ferncloud: Correct!

Bluestar: I have it!

Other cats that don't matter: Yes!

Hollyleaf: Then lets do this! *Goes out with everyone else and gets in places.*

Ferncloud: *Gets waffle ready. Walks up to Firestar*

Firestar: Oh, hello Ferncloud.

Ferncloud: Ooooh, waffle time, oh, waffle time, won't you have a waffle of mine?! *Puts waffle in front of Firestar's face*

Firestar: *Remembers that one fateful day* I DON'T KNOW WHAT A WAFFLE IS!!

Ferncloud: Firestar doesn't like waffles!

Hollyleaf: *Pops up from behind a log* Firestar doesn't like waffles!

Snowfur: *Pops up from behind a bush* Firestar doesn't like turkey!

All cats that are annoying Firestar: Blah blah blah blah. *Bluestar holding a sign saying, I found a carrot and holding a carrot*

Firestar: *Eye twitches* I'M SUROUNDED BY IDIOTS! *Chases them all out*

Hollyleaf: Did you get that, Bluestar?

Bluestar: *Takes carrot apart and takes out camera* Yeah!

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