Chapter 6

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I'm going to update the picture once I have a chance to color it.


The sound of bubbling lava began to drown out the rushing waters of Waterfall as you made your way into Hotland. You wiped some nonexistent sweat from your brow and let out a weary sigh. The long hallway with the huge neon sign being left behind. Even though you didn't have a corporeal body at the moment, you could still feel the intense heat. Hotland was definitely the perfect name for this area. Even if it was a simple name.

"Hey there... Looks like you're getting your Exorcise for the day."

Your feet came to halt right in front of a familiar looking sentry station with a certain small skeleton lounging within it. Snow decorated the top of it. Like it always did. Just another mystery that The Underground held. You give Sans a sly grin as you made your way over to him. "Come on, now...I'm not a demon." Your feathers rustle about as you shrug your shoulders at the skeleton monster. "Though I must say that my puns can be pretty deadly."

Sans's eye sockets grew wide in surprise that you returned a pun for his. Then again, this was the first one that you had said to him. At least in this time line. You had cracked jokes with him before in the guise of another monster. But that was a time line that was way before all of the bad ones... "Well, I would say that was good but to be honest that was a little grim. Guess you reap what you sow."

"Gah! No! You're killing me over here!" You laughed out as you leaned against the counter top of the sentry station. Perfectly at ease.

"I thought killing was your job?" The stout skeleton replied while moving to rest his skull in his hands on the counter top.

"Normally," You began before flashing him a wicked grin. "But you are knockin 'em dead today!"

Sans chuckles before letting the jovial air between the two of you fade into a more serious one. "You know for a grim reaper. I haven't exactly seen you reaping anything."

You cocked a curious eyebrow at him. "Keepin an eye socket on me, eh?"

"When someone claims they are the grim reaper. Then say the entire Underground will go empty. They kind of become a top priority, y'know?" Sans said it with both of his eye sockets closed. Completely relaxed against the counter top but his words hit home. That sounded really bad. Even though you were telling the truth but in a more positive light. You could see why the skeleton was so wary of your presence. He didn't take it that all the monsters would go free. He took it as though you were going to kill everyone. Which technically... that's what you did but all you did was take their souls after the fact. You didn't actually do any of the killing. "I've been watchin ya when I could find you. Every single time, I've tried to see your HP and the like. Wanna know the weird thing? I can't."

Well, of course he couldn't. You couldn't die. At least, not in the same way that humans and monsters could. Crow deaths were always...unique. Some weren't even permanent. It was more like...a punishment for going against the natural order. Crows couldn't just let people live. Then the world would be overpopulated. There had to be a punishment for certain situations. Whenever a Crow went to far or did something they shouldn't have...there were repercussions. But. For the ones that came back, there was always a cost. Sometimes it was an amount of time to pass, others was a more unique requirement. Yet, it was still possible.

Still it was weird that Sans could see things like that anyway. Maybe that was why he could see you and your reset powers hadn't worked? He already had certain abilities that he gained from being born? It was interesting to say the least but at the same time it was heart wrenching. He remembered everything. But unlike Asriel, Chara, Frisk, and yourself, he didn't know why the resets kept happening. No wonder his HP was so low. The poor guy probably had lost his will to live. What was the point in trying if it was all going to be reset anyway, right?

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