The gang

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Standing there a boy with blood red hair dressed in a long brown pirate jacket without a shirt under it, he wore pirate pants and boots. He had a hook for a hand and an eyepatch black as night. "H-Hello? Who are y-you?" He was definitely a human but the place was cleared out and locked down the boy's face turned pinkish and he ran off. You walk back over to your chair and realize a girl standing outside the other door, she had bright yellow hair and she wore pink short shorts, she also wore a white crop top and a bib that said "Lets eat" she smiled at you and walked closer her white heels clicked on the ground <I hope I don't scare her, I mean I've taken human form so I shouldn't> she smiles at you revealing sharp gray metal teeth you look at her alarmed "Oh! I am so sorry sweetie did I scare you?" You step back and answer her "Are you, Chica?" She smiled again you looked at her teeth "Yes I am!" She runs towards you, once again without thinking you shut your eyes tightly, but when you open your eyes she hugs you with a strong grip but in a nice way "Oh it's so nice to have another girl at the pizzeria! We can talk and hang out" you step back kind of scared but you bump into someone behind you, you spin around a boy with short blue neatly placed hair wearing dark blue pants and a tucked in shirt he stares at you in shock "I-I-I-I,,, I'm so sorry!" He stutters you being terrified walk over to your chair pull your knees to your chest and cover your face "Let's go," chica whispers to Bonnie and with that you open your eyes and they are gone, you check your tablet and it's 4:30 this makes you smile "Only an hour an a half left until I can leave this hell hole" a boy with brown hair dressed almost all in black with a top hat and messy hair stands at the door showing his teeth and claws you slam the door button so it shuts in his face and he just walks away

~On the stage~

"OMG guys she is so cool!" Chica clapped her hands together "Sh-sh-she seems n-n-nice" Bonnie stuttered "Meh" Freddy didn't seem to care so he stayed mostly silent foxy on the other hand stayed silent for a completely different reason he stared at the ground silently "Id better be heading back  to the cove it's 5:45" Chica smiled she knew exactly what was going on with foxy "So you like [Y/N] don't you" she smirked "So that be the lassies name?" He said hiding the fact that he truly cared he turned around quickly so his red cheeks wouldn't show he ran back to pirates cove and sat there. Chica, Freddy and Bonnie walked back to the stage and got in the spots they originally started in.

~In The Office~

It's a few minutes until 6am and you feel shaky you check the cameras one last time to make sure that the animatronics are all there. You go back to the purple curtain and you now see that it's closed. The clock strikes 6am and you check the stage security camera, the 3 humans on stage begin to change into animatronics. Your scared at first and then realize it all makes sense, kinda. On your way out you see you manager and you decide to ask him a few questions you chat with him for a while. "Well it's been nice chatting but  I have to go" you need to ask him one more question before he leaves "I was wondering if I could maybe check the place out during the day?" You look up at the man he nods "Yeah, sure, go check it out now if you want" you wave good bye to him and start walking around. The first place you go is to the purple curtain with the out of order sign, you look in the curtain,

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