The Deal part 3

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Lucy must be waiting in the church. However, the idea of being married scares me. Isn't this what I always wanted? So why was I stood there, thinking about whether I should do it or not.

We had stopped for a minute so that I could get some air. At least that's what I told them. I was still debating whether I should get married and settle down with Lucy... or run away. 

Suddenly, the train's doors (one after the other started) shutting. I panicked. I had to decide. NOW!

I don't know what it was. It could have been the desapiarance of my choices... or it could have been the fact that I was too immature and afraid of responsibility. Whatever it was that led me to jump on the train still keeps me awake some nights, when I'm too deep in my thoughts about what my life would have been like if I hadn't made that choice.

I wonder...  

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