Chapter One

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My Possession

Edited: April 1, 2021.


There was this huge crowd at the end of the hallway.

First day and I swear these idiots starts doing something.

I couldn't care less what the whole thing was about. Instead, I look at my schedule to get this day over with.

Room 15A.

Just my luck, it was actually at the end of the hallway. I run a hand through my hair, clearly frustrated, and fix the one strap of my backpack on my shoulder.

"Hey Austin," A blonde says as I pass by her. I ignore. 

"There's this girl who just got played by Blake," I heard someone nearby. "Poor Blake." I roll my eyes. I shut my mouth to prevent any rude comment that might slip out of my mouth.

You see, that's the thing with Blake. He goes around sleeping with different girls a week. I don't even know what these girls think of when clearly they know whats up with him. Still, they fuck around with him.

We've been best-friends since second grade when I was just starting from the football team. He's a dick for sure, but he's like the brother I didn't know I needed.

From a distance, I could already hear him.

Blake looks at her with so much disgust. "You get mad when I sleep with someone when clearly you fucking did the same?" He shouts so that everyone could hear. 

Pathetic. He loves this kind of attention. Besides, first day. Really?

"I - I didn't." She whispers so low that I don't think people caught what she said.

"Bullshit," He screams once more and throws his hands at the air, making it look like he's all pissed off.

I eye the girl, she's kneeling in front of Blake. She's looking at him like her world was crashing down by the look of her face. Her arms was shaking rapidly and her green eyes are swollen from crying. She looks.. so, fragile.

I shake my head to remove the thoughts in my head. I turn around and walk to my room when I heard everyone laughing. I look over my shoulder, Blake threw a cup of juice straight into her face. 

I went to the crowd and push myself to get closer to them, but hesitated. Slowly backing up,

C'mon Aus. Youre better than that. Walk the fuck away. I shake my head, taking a few steps back. 

"Why is it so easy for you? Did I mean anything to you at all? Those memories, please don't tell me it means nothing to you at all." She managed to speak and look around with those wide green vulnerable eyes. Looking all, lost.

"It didn't." Blake replied crossing his arms. She gets up with her legs all wobbly. I snort. The next thing she did, the whole crowd was in shock.

She slapped him with fury in her eyes. Full of hatred and regret.

Blake slowly touches his cheek that has a red hand mark now. "Who are you right now!" She continuously punched Blake at his chest, with all her might. But that didn't work at all because of the amused expression on his face. "That all you got, princess?" Blake simply said and she just went on, with a lot of force this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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