Chapter 11

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Dusty didn't return to her dorm room. She wasn't ready to tackle the mountains of clothes that were growing across the floor. Instead, she sat down in the courtyard, the sun warming her bare arms.

Ashley had texted suggesting they meet for lunch. Dusty had half an hour or so to kill. Taking her notebook out of her backpack, she decided to write back to Valentine. Lately she had found herself missing her more than ever.

She longed for the stability she felt in her arms, and each time she saw Ashley in bed with someone, she felt a pang of loneliness.

Dear Valentine,

I'm glad you haven't forgotten about me. I certainly haven't forgotten about you!

While I'm loving being here at Princeton and finally being the real me, life is far from simple. I'm beginning to realize that life can never be simple, no matter who you are or what you're running from.

At West I tried so hard to be the popular cheerleader that I think I've forgotten how to be the studious girl I once was. I've been partying a lot. A lot more than I'd let you believe because I don't want you to think less of me. I just get caught up in the moment.

And now I'm officially a member of Kappa Pi, which means more parties and social events. And as much as I'd like to say I'm above it all and only here for my education, I'd be lying as I'm loving it.

I get to enjoy myself with others without worrying that they'll disown me if they knew the truth about my past. No one here cares that my family lives in a trailer. I am making it all count, though, don't worry.

And while I'm not top of my class yet, I'm certain I will be by the end of the year! I promise to start applying myself more to my studies! I wish you were here to keep me grounded, keep my head on straight. And other things... I don't want to write smut in a letter, but I hope you miss me in that way too.

The nights are long here when I can think of only being in your arms once more. Missing you,

Dusty xoxo

Letters by Her [Book 2]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant