O | 14

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ten chittaphon | 16:42
can you come

kim jennie | 16:42
what is it

ten chittaphon | 16:43
regarding to taeyong
please, to yonsei swimming pool
since that day, idk it does to taeyong
idrk what happen
but he's not in his right mind now
he kept getting drunk, more than when
she saw nayeon cheating on him
im afraid smth might happen

after reading the message ten sent for her, she wore her hoodie, along with his hoodie that were left in her apartment. putting both clothes inside the paper bag, she locked her apartment, running to take the fastest taxi that was passing by and telling the name of her destination.

the street was kind of crowded that she kept cursing under her breathe. the moments of him together played like old film inside her head. the moment of them breaking apart because of one small thing made the guilt inside her gone bigger.

just why she did that.

just why he did that.

just why they did that.

about an hour past fifteen she arrived, then ran right to the place ten told her. to meet an empty swimming pool, yet her eyes caught something. in one supersecond, she threw the plastic bag she brought and jumped to the water but what she thought was wrong. he was not drowning, well almost. "lee taeyong!" in the middle of the swimming pool she shouted, in front of the black clothed guy that looked at her in confused face.

she punched him right in the chest, the tears were almost falling. she did not do anything afterward, but so do he.

"what are you doing here?" he asked, holding her hand. "kim jennie?"

"you. what are you doing here?!" instead of answering, she once again shouted at him. looking at him right in the eyes. her eyes were red, not because of the chlorined water, but due to the tears she could not bear.

he did not say a word, afraid that if he said something she would just cry. and he hated the fact that she cried because of him. "lets go, its getting colder." taking her hand, they walked to the outline of the poor. going out from the water.

after they changed their clothes, they walked to the tribune. sitting there and having their own thoughts. the atmosphere was awkward. no one dared to talk, afraid that one individual did not want to hear.

but silence killed the two, they wanted to say things like; how are you, i miss you but those words did not spill out from their mouths.

"cause underneath the darkness, there's a light that's trying so hard to be seen. and i know this 'cause i've noticed. a little bit shining through the seams-" she sang quietly, the empty swimming pool seemed like singing along with her. the guy whose hair was wet watched her in one unreadable expression.

"what?" realizing that she had been watched by the guy next to her, she stopped singing and turned her head toward him. both person were wet from falling to the swimming pool. she rescued him, yes. in the middle of the time when she was not there yet, he almost drowned himself in the water.

was not because he could not swim.

if she was late a second, he would not be there right now, next to her. "arent you gonna say thanks or something?" she asked quietly while turned her head, back to the swimming pool.

yet the guy said nothing. it made her stand up, wanting to leave. "okay then, see you-" and her words were cut by him pulling herself close toward him. their eyes once meet in a mere second before he pushed her neck up and the times felt like it stopped.

everything fell in pieces, the word sorry muttered in his lips. the tears that was falling as he slowly fasten her pace in gentle was and she slowly put her hand on his shoulder, pushing him away due to lack of air. "lee taeyong, you okay?"

the glows on his eyes saying he was not okay, but the words im okay was said from his lips. "this is not supposed to be like this."


"us, we are not supposed to be like this. im sorry."

"what for?"

"everything. i just don't think we will meet again. i know nothings really gonna happen, i know everything will go back to the places it used to be. but i cant do anything about that, such a pity self."



"lets go home," she took his hand on her, intertwined it, "tomorrow, everything is gonna be okay. something might happen or not, or just stay in places. im just- there's decision to make. a word to say, an action to do. all you need is believe. believe the fate, the effort you've been doing. believe in His greatest plan. all you need is to live your life." his eyes stucked on her, the words she said sounded like a miracle. it seemed like it could cure disasters.



"there's something ive been keeping for the longest time."


"i love you."

dearest you. - taeyong.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon