Author's Note

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School's been so busy I cannot even.
I've barely checked my notifications, but I have responded to the roleplays and messages in my inbox. I can already see the "UPDATE", "IS SHE DEAD", "WHAT HAPPENED" comments now.

So sorry for the lack of updates guys, it obviously hasn't been intentional! As some of you know, I'm taking AP World History, Honors American Literature, and Spanish 3, which are by far the most demanding classes I've ever had. Please bare with me as I attempt to figure out a way to maintain good grades in all my classes while being able to update.

Exams are this week, so unfortunately, I will not be able to bring an update to you guys this weekend. However, I have a four day weekend coming up because of the end of the quarter and the election, so expect an update then!

Speaking of the election, oh my. God help us.

Even though our choices are limited, with each candidate having their pros and cons, I really hope you guys tuned into the debates and such! It's important to learn about what's going on in our government because someday, this country will be inherited to us when we are adults. And one of us will be a future president, so might as well start now! Politics are important!

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in here really quick to assure you guys that I am not dead (well, not physically) and that I will bring you guys an update next weekend! Thank you all for being patient, I always appreciate it. I'm doing the best I can to meet the demands of life.

See you soon!


P.S. Happy Halloween!

P.S. #2: Wattpad has done away with the double spacing on mobile and I don't like it. It's irritating.

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