I'll be there for you, As Long as you're there for me too [Spideypool]

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Long ass title but I think it fits well for what this one shot is to be.

Part of the 'Drop out of the sky' collection (; I would advice you to read the three shots before you read this, but you don't have to, you may just miss out on some information. (:

I have a fucking pain in my tooth and jaw so it took me longer to write this than what I thought it would. I also bullshitted my way through some of this, in the case of Wades hone life as a child and any mishaps that have happened in this fic. I don't imply it's true.

My inspiration for this oneshot is the Halloween fireworks

Wade Wilson would like to say that he's a well reserved, strong, independent man for his age and for the life that he has lived. He doesn't work well with others, it was obvious as he worked alone on stalkings and as being Deadpool - something that the damn X-Men can't get through their thick heads - and even during the war, Wade had worked on his own during retreats and would prefer to take out enemies without the heavy weight of another solider on his shoulders.

He could blame it for the independency he had to gain as a child, growing up with a hard working mother and an absent father, he had practically raised himself during his childhood years. Of course, he couldn't blame it all on his Mom because as much as she wasn't there during his childhood, it wasn't her fault for all of the shit that Wade had to endure all on his own.

It wasn't as if he was wounded, Wade was not inflected with wrenching, drenched in sweat nightmares that one should be after enduring years of physical and sexual abuse from his mothers string of ongoing boyfriends. No. but it wasn't as. He wasn't affected by every blow to the stomach or the work rough hands gripping his hair as a young child, it it didn't mean he had forgotten.

Although, Wade was affected in the way that he learned to punch himself out of every situation, using violence to get his way through high school, beating up what was classified as nerds and skipping class until he was pulled by the principle. He was thrown into a detention centre at the age of 15 for assaulting a police officer, dropping out of high school at 16 and enrolled into the army at age 17.

Wade was on his own by 17, his mother long before passing away from Cancer. There was no one to protest against his enrollment and in someways, Wade was glad that there would be nobody left behind if he was to die in war but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel the pain in his chest to know that there would be nobody there for him on his return.

3 years in the army, killing men, woman and children, watching the men you worked side by side with at times killed in front of your eyes, scars the mind more than what you would think. Wade has seen a lot with his 23 years on this earth, from the murder of children by others and his own hand just to save the lives of hundreds of others, and the near death of experiences he has endured himself.

Being Deadpool didn't really help.

"Well, Hello there."Wade smirks, his eyes roaming the Body of his boyfriend who is in the middle of getting changed into a pair of PJ's to get himself comfortable. He has the perfect view of his boyfriends ass, tight fitting boxers stretching over the pale flesh as Peter bends over to pulling up a pair of pj bottoms.

Wade isn't sure if he'll ever get use to living with Peter, they've been sharing an apartment - courtesy of Peters parents because Tony and Steve had money to burn - for little over a year and wade was still getting use to how it was to share a living space with someone who you're also sleeping with. But he was getting the hang of being woken up at 3am with Peters freezing cold feet digging into his legs, or the numerous hair protects in the bathroom, or the apartment smelling of home cooked food.

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