Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up to see The Doctor still asleep beside me. His hair was in his face and his bowtie was extremely crooked. I just smiled and laid there until I noticed his eyes fluttering open. I closed my eyes quick and pretended I was still asleep, a habit I've had since I was young. I felt The Doctor reach his hand over and stroke my hair, I couldn't help but grin. I opened my eyes again and The Doctor was staring at me. It wasn't an "I'm happy to be here again" look, it was more like "I'm worried about you" look, which worried me. "Clara, are you okay?"  he asked rubbing my cheek with his thumb. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" 

"You're crying." As soon as he said that I realized that what he was saying was true. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's nothing to worry about." 

I got up and walked to the bathroom before he could ask any more questions because I honestly didn't have the answers. I wiped my tears and got up the courage to go back out there. Hopefully he wouldn't mention it. I opened the door and i was face-to-face with The Doctor, except he was shirtless. I felt my face heat up and he blushed, "Sorry, I was making you tea and spilled it on myself." He said. "Oh, I'm just surprised you didn't regenerate." I replied and we both laughed at how clumsy he was. "I'm going back to the TARDIS to get a new vest and bowtie." he held out his hand to me and I grabbed it. I haven't seen it in ages and I was dying to. 

It was just in the hallway outside my flat so it didn't take long. He swung the doors open and it was like seeing it for the first time; Well, the first time that it was actually me. It was the same interior but it felt so different. It felt unreal.  My life with him was over and now he's back and it seems fake. "You're room is still there." he said snapping me out of my thoughts. I hugged him as a thank you and ran off.. I got a little bit lost but I think the TARDIS was just messing with me. I finally found it though. I walked straight to my bed and layed down, but when I did, I noticed a piece of paper beside me. It was a letter. A letter from The Doctor.

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