Mah life in a nutshell

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One day.... I was writing this story. I didn't really know why, maybe my mind just wanted me to do something without making it physical. My conscience er something is narrating this story so don't blame me for my minds imagination.

It's been a while since I've written a story here. It's been a few months and most of the junk I've written is either fiction or fan-fiction. (There's a difference) For once I just wanted to write a story that describes my complete and total randomness.

I'm a nice person most of the time. I guess you can say I'm a little bit of everything cause my emotions are all mixed up. Like seriously, I'm like trail mix. You can never find what you're looking for in there unless you dump everything out first then start looking for it.

Anyway, a few of my personalities are crazy, funny, stupid, suicidal, angry, hungry, sick, perverted (don't judge me), or just simply want to cuddle until I fall asleep. I have a billion more personalities but if I told you all of them we'd be on the same chapter for days and I'm not sure if wattpad has a limit for each chapter but just in case, I'm not gonna try and see.

Now of course these emotions aren't caused by periods if that's what you're thinking. No it's not, cause these things depend on what happened like how I woke up, what I ate, the amount of homework I have, who ate all the ice cream and stuff like that.

You know the common stressors for people my age. Like missing your favorite tv show cause you had too much homework or setting the time wrong on your alarm clock.

Now moving on to another topic. Not really personal information just basic information. Umm. I live in Philippines, I am 13 years old, Female... well that's basically the basics.

I know a ton of people but I'm usually the black sheep, The social outcast, the weird one, the potato. Basically all the titles for the weird kids in your school. I do have some friends though. They're just the people who basically got used to my weird mood swings and emotional break downs. And they love me no matter what idiotic craziness I do. I'm really lovable, I'm just really crazy is all. It's okay if I am different I mean it's not like the world will end if a lot of people don't like me.

I should know. I had a lot of experience with different kinds of relationships. I've had friend relationships, best friend relationships, boyfriend relationships, pet relationships, family relationships, relative relationships, online shippings, shipping people with other people, battle ships.... basically all types of ships.

You get the point. But these ships are stories for another chapter. Also including my 362, 281, 937 sides or personalities. Cause I can't dicuss all of these things in one chapter.

I hope you guys like this first chapter cause so far... well this is all I got.

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