Strange Likes and Dislikes

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Before I go on with the ships and personalities my dear friend wanted me to write down the things I like. To make it more interesting,  I'll also add my dislikes.

Let's start with likes cause why the hell not right? I like hugs, food, naps, rainy days, hot chocolate, tall people,  fluffy blankets, anime, horror, comedy, and romantic movies, video games, hoodies, cuddles, snuggles, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, pizza (with pineapple... don't judge me), chicken, sleep, sleep, reading, singing, soccer or football (whatever way you call it) and most of all.... DOGS!

And the dislikes
Fish, cold water, dresses, heels, the color orange, cold fries, annoying people, math, school, 80% of my class, sunny days, tea..., clowns (please anything but clowns), and blood. (I know what you're thinking. "But gurls experience bloody hell every month." Yeah I know but if that blood is coming from a different area of my body or another person's body then I'm gonna faint like I saw a ghost cause I really hate seeing blood.)

So...umm yeah. Those are my likes and dislikes :p

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