The ships have sailed

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Yep you got it. Time to talk about the ships. Friendships, relationships, ect.

Now. Friendships: To me I'm closer to my friends than I am to my family. Seriously,  if I asked my friends and parents the sane questions my friends would have all the correct answers. I feel really uncomfortable telling my family my problems and personal biz cuz it's kind of awkward when you tell then the gossip in school and they turn it into a life lesson. My friends understand every single bit of me. I'm really comfortable around my friends so I usually act as my casually crazy self cause they don't mind. They wouldn't judge me for my insanity they would find it as something normal. And when I'm with friends I usually insult them but they don't mind cause they know it's nothing personal. That's why it's okay to keep calling them names as if they were our official nicknames for each other cause we know that were just joking around. Friends are just those people you just trust. Friends are the people who would bail me out of jail if I accidentally ran over a person.

Best Friends are different they wouldn't bail me out of jail. They would be sitting beside me and saying. "Wasn't that fun?" They are the best type of people. They wouldn't mind my craziness they would join me in my crazy acts. Giving me advice, and guiding me through my choices. And in return I give them the same amount of love. We have secret names for the people we don't like so no one else understands. I tell them my problems and secrets cause they're walking, talking vaults that only share secrets with me our other best friends.

Now Boyfriends/ relationships:
I don't have the best record of having boyfriends. I never really think much about it before I get a boyfriend. If you notice, relationships nowadays start through chatting or Facebook. They do not usually end well. For me at least.  I know the guy irl but we got together through chat. I don't really know why. I won't say their names but so far I have had 2 'official' boyfriends. The other relationships didn't really count for the relationship status to be 'taken' so I won't talk about those. My first kiss was from a guy who isn't even my boyfriend. To a kid a first kiss is like virginity.  You can't take that shit back. But I was dumb enough ti lose that first kiss in 6th grade. I gotta admit he was a good kisser but it was a mistake. Things were kind if awkward from 7th grade up to present.  We don't really talk much now. My first boyfriend was a total jerk. We liked eachother in 5th grade but he lost interest in 6th grade. But we got back together in 7th grade even with the horrible past relationship.  I gave him a second chance he didn't deserve. I regret giving him that second chance cause after barely 2 weeks. Yep you guessed it, we broke up. As a kid I've been brain washed to think that we HAVE to have a crush on someone even if it isn't that serious. 
It usually goes like:
"So why do you like her?"
"Idk she's pretty and nice."
That's how crushes worked as kids. Even if we didn't know the person that much we like then from they're looks or physical characteristics. I never noticed that that rule changes as we get older. In high school most people seem to be more desperate in finding they're true love or something like that. Cause as a kid if you ever had an mu or mutual understanding with someone then you want more of that. You want to experience that feeling once again. But in order to do that... well we make dumb decisions. We become so desperate that we tend to fool our selves. Sometimes it's nit they're fault you got dumped maybe you just got clingy.

Right now I'm single and happy cause I realized that love isn't really that important at the moment.  It feels great to love someone and be loved back but it doesn't always end up ti be like that. Problems come and go and we need to have priorities to guide us through our decisions.

So yeah those are relationships. They kind of get confusing or complicated but that never stopped us from making dumb decisions. Right? It's fun ti explore the possibilities that life gives us si it's really up to us on what we plan to do. I'm simply happy being alone. 

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