Party Animals-Chapter 3

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"So this assignment is due as soon as I get back."said Mrs. Sanchez


"Have a good rest of the day, Miss. Holloway Happy birthday." My teacher said making everyone look at me in aahh.

"Thank you, Mrs. Sanchez." I said rushing pass the questioning looks I was getting by all of the student body.

"So what are you doing for your birthday?" Questioned Sophie kinda of expecting an answer.

"My mom is trying to throw a party. And she wants me to invite all of you guys from school."

"Well I'll be damned. This girl actually forgot to invite her bestest friend in the world to her birthday party!" exclaimed Sophie.

"Well I was-" I said my sentence cut short by the next response of Kam.

"Oh forreal, Oh shit we have to get the word out about this. I'll make sure West is there too."

"Great now the whole school will be coming to my house. After school, on a Friday."

"Why wouldn't they I mean it's YOU we're talking about here!"

"I jjst hope it all doesn't go down the drain because if there is one thing I can live without it is THE THOUGHT OF BEING A FREAKISHLY SCARY GIRL!"
                            Three hours later.......
"Ahhh! Mommy! You are so freaking awesome. I love it."

"Glad you do sweatie, but you aren't getting dressed here you are going to the fancy stylist place I found. I think it was...."

"De la Samoné !!!!!!" They both squealed in unison as the door bell began to RIINNGG!

"I'll get that. You just pack up your clothes and shoes and meet me downstairs in ten."

"Okay!" I said eager to get my clothes and dash to the salon. I have idolized that place forever. Now I finally get to go! Being in a hurried rush I grabbed the shoes and clothes gently but very hastily. I was going to look fine as shit on my birthady.

"Hell, yeah!" I exclaimed looking at my normal, boring, and dry look. But after tonight I will never be the same.

"Hev, honey come on you'll be late." My mom said as I dashed down the hallway, and the stairs, and some more stairs, and some more stairs, skipping like four steps at a time.

"Oh shit!" I said as I lost my grip on the railing looking at how beautiful it looked down here. Mom asked what theme did I want for my party and I said a sexy genie in a bottle theme and it looks amazing.

"Heaven, what did I tell you about your language around guest?"

I looked up wondring what guest until I saw a red carpet and some flowers leading to the door and outside. I rushed towards the door, not noticing  the fine ass boy standing there. I slowed my pace and took a second look at him amd it was a guy named Logan standing there looking fine with his hand out for me to take so he may escort me to the car, kr shall I say limo.

"Hi Heaven my name is Logan I will be your bodyguard for the rest of the year."

"Mom, what does he mean the rest of the year? yhis must have cost you a fortune paying all this money for that long a time. This is enough I'm not going to the salon I'm staying here and doing my own makeup!"

"See I didn't pay for it your dad did."

"What the **** mom! You know I hate him so why would you let him do this? Why? Hmm, no answer! Cat got your tongue!"

"So I can make up for the fourteen years that I missed for your birthday." My dead beat dad said to me as he hugged my mom, gave Logan some dap,and tried to hug me.

"So you think one party will make up for fourteen parties."

"No, but over the years yes hopefully."

"Sure, we'll see. Well I have to go see yah!" I said pulling Logan out of the four story house, and into my stretch limo. I could tell my mom fell for him again, but not me. It would take a lot more than fourteen years of parties to win my heart back. So if it's the long game he wants to play then the long game he will get!

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