Wild Child-Chapter 4

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"So why do you hate your dad so much?" Asked Logan

"Isn't that too much information for the first day." I asked not really curious as to why he wanted to know.I just knew that he was irritating the hell out of me.

"Sorry.......So are you excited for your party tonight?" Questioned Logan again.

"Damn, do you always ask so many questions?" I asked finally wearing my irritation on my face since he didn't get the hint.

"I was just trying to make small talk because it seemed as if tho you were very irritated with the world right now."

"So that caused you to talk and ask relentless questions!" I said coming off screaming."I'm so sorry its just I do hate my dad and my mom not telling me he was coming was a very un cool thing. I'm just pissed with the whole world right now."

"I get it I hate my dad too, although I don't know him well I know he left me and he didn't have to."

"Yeah that's the same here. Well most of it."

"I just don't get how you know you have a kid but abandon them the first chance you get!" He said with eyes full of hurt, anger, confusion, and sadness.

I just wanted to kiss those feelings away for him. Damn, I just met him but it felt like I knew him forever. I couldn't since the sparks that took a tremendous flight that minute, but I can tell you the fire that burned for him burned something hella fierce.

"Wake up, Hev. Can I call you Hev?"

I woke up to the sound of someone calling my nickname, but to tell you when I opened my eyes I saw a chest. Not mine, not a pillows, not my mom's, nor the guy I like, so who's was it. I looked up and saw the bright smiling face of LOGAN!!! So many thoughts ran through my mind as to why his shirt was off, but honestly I didn't care he looked good and I knew that I wouldn't have done "the nasty" if it wasn't the right time and in the back of a limo wasn't the right time.

"Um, what?" I questioned registering that he was or had said something.

"I was telling you to wake up. Then I asked you could I call you Hev."

"Yeah sure."

"I was just making sure. I saw that you only let your friends call you that."

"Yeah...wait, how do you know that?"

"No need to get worried, I go to school with you and everyone talks about you. I also have homeroom, art, and dance with you. I know your best friends are Sophie and Kam are your best friends. I know you helped save Mrs. Dillon, and I happen to know you and West have a thing going on."

"Well, you sure know how to stalk a girl don't you?"

"I wouldn't call it stalking. I would call it paying attention to everyone and everything around you including your "crush". Logan said with a loose grin


"Well your at De la Samoné."

"You're not coming in?"

"Um, no I'm gonna just stay here."

"Remember you're my bodyguard. You can't guard me if your not with me. Now can you?"

"I guess not."

"So what are you still doing in here? Come guard me." I said commanding. And like a good little boy Logan obeyed the command. I was going to have fun with this body guard thing. Especially since he likes me and I kinda like him, but hopefully this is just a crush like he said because one thing I did know was that if West found out about him liking me he would go all
protective brother mode and shut him out completely.

I walked into De la Samoné with Logan's hand pulling me through the line to the very front. Check in was easy since they literally held their customers until I got there, and the funny part was I got the whole store to myself practically.  No waiting, no lines, no shoving past, no rushed work  just pure relaxation. Since my party started at 9:00 and it was already 7:00 my stylists pulled me from my shampoo bowl and went to work.

I was stunning. No I was flawless I had my genie out fit on and my hair did up right, my nails done perfect, my makeup with a flaw. Damn, I looked good. Fine, Sexy, Gorgeous even. Those hoes had nothing on me now.

"I look, wow!" I said staring at my flawless look.

"Don't sweat it honey,  it's just the works of De la Samoné. Just keep it up because I hate it when they don't, and the two days later they look like ass again. But not you something tells me you are different. So please don't make me get igint." My male stylist said with a gorgeous greek-spanish accent.

I liked that stylist something about him just came off very cool about him. I think his name was John, but he looked like a Spiro. It meant something in Greek since I took greek culture in school. Leaving the stand where I stood I walked around the corner and saw Logan sitting there. Oh, man. I forgot he was in here. I hope he's just not too shocked by how good I look.

"I'm ready." I said flipping my hair over my shoulder and walking down to greet him. I was greeted by a dropped mouth, shining eyes, and a drooling guy. I knew I looked good, but not that good.

"Hello, ready to go."

"Uh..uh...uh yeah. Sure whatever you say genie." He stuttered out. I could tell he liked the way I looked but I want him to dress up and go as well.

"Um, don't you want to go get your costume."

"I didn't know I was staying."

"Why wouldn't you? We've established that you and I are friends so why wouldn't you stay."

"Oh I know. I just didn't want to out shine the birthday girl at her own party."

"Yeah I've looked at me you've looked at me, so that'll be impossible, but you can try."

"I think I will."

"I think you will be crying when I get all of the attention and you don't even get a second glance."


"Bet! I said as he jogged to the dressing room with the stylist and got into his costume. Part of me was hoping he would go as my date but, part of me yarned for West, and his love, his hands, his attention, and yet I loved the sight of this sexy rascal. This was gonna be n interesting night I could feel it.

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