Chapter One

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Lance could feel his leg begin to bounce. His fingers started to tap against the hard surface of his desk. His English teacher's voice grew into a mumble as Lance stared at the little red hand on the clock move ever faster. He was nervous. He was scared.

It wasn't as if he had a fear of needles. He just had a fear of pain in general. And it wasn't as if he was weak. He handled pain pretty well, but fears never make sense, no matter how much you try to rationalize them.

Lance could taste the bile on his lips and he could hear the beat of his heart in his throat. He finds it stupid that he's so scared. But he is. He really is.

He begins to make up excuses. 'Oh I can't. Homework, y'know?' 'Ah! Right we had that thing planned, but my mom needed some eggs, sorry.' Or maybe a simple- Not really feeling it today sorry- would suffice.

But at the same time, he really did like the thought of his gift. He did want to go through with this. He wanted this.

He just wishes pain wasn't involved.

His wish was interrupted by the sound of the bell. School was over, and anxiety had begun. Well anxiety was always there, it just wasn't as bad as right now.

Lance makes his way through the crowds of teenagers to his small locker that couldn't hold anything to grab his wallet. He, surprisingly, had no homework that night. He felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Are you nervous?" Hunk asked, putting his arm around Lance's shoulder.

"Nah man, I'm coOl," Lance's voice cracked.

They walked to the front doors of the school, sidestepping the groups of jocks, preps, and band nerds that littered the hallways.

"Haha! Lance you know better than to lie to me. You'll be okay. Just think! After this you will actually be cool and look cool," Hunk laughed.

"I am offended! I have always looked cool," Lance mocked outrage.

"You had a mullet back in the beginning of middle school..."

"You swore to never speak of that," Lance hissed.

Lance and Hunk walked out the doors into the mid summers day. Immediately afterwards there was a loud honk followed by some mediocre singing.

"Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday Dear Lance~ Happy Birthday to you~"

"There was no harmony, that is insulting," Lance laughed walking up to his friends.

Shiro was leaning up against his car and Pidge joined him holding a gift bag in her hands.

"Ah Pidge you shouldn't have!" Lance exclaimed grabbing the bag out of Pidge's hands.

"They're not for you. Hunk's girlfriend has never had Rice Krispy treats so I baked her some," Pidge responded yanking the bag out of Lance's hands and gently handed it to Hunk. Lance purses his lips in a pout.

"Oh... Thank you... But she's not my girlfriend. Y-yet," Hunk stuttered, blushing.

Everyone in the group rolled their eyes.

"So, eighteen year old, ready to face your first taste of freedom?" Shiro smirked, changing his focus to the jittery teen.

"YUP." Lanced yelped.

"Haha! It'll be fine, Lance. Who knows, maybe this experience will change you forever," Shiro laughed, a glint behind his eyes.

"I think college is messing with your head. You sound like a fifty year old man," Lance scoffed.

"Well my bro is here. I gotta go, but hey I'll see you later Lance. Can't wait to see your ink. Happy birthday," Pidge says, giving Lance a brofist.

"Hey tell Matt he should start coming to class again. It's boring without him," Shiro says to the freshman.

"You know he hates spending his precious time on stuff that's too easy for him. Don't worry he'll be back to ace the final!" Pidge laughs as she gets into her big brother's car.

"Well Lance, we best be going. The appointment is in half an hour," Shiro says, turning back to Lance.

"Hunk, if I... if I don't come back..." Lance begins to say.

Hunk grabs Lance's shoulder dramatically and whispers, "Don't say that Lance!"

"You have to promise me that you'll put the entire bee movie script on my gravestone," Lance sobs grabbing Hunk's hand on his shoulder.

"That'll be too expensive man. How about 'RIP in piss' instead?" Hunk says breaking out of character.

"Are you trying to say I'm not worth the bee movie script to you?"

"Lance we have to go," Shiro says, beginning to drag Lance to his car.

"They charge per letter Lance!"


"Well if you love the bee movie script so much how about you get it tattooed on your back!"

"We will finish this talk later young man!"

Shiro blushes as he realizes that every single teenager is staring at the spectacle that is happening. He continues to wonder why he is even associated with these people.


"They charge per letter Lance. Money means more to me than our friendship Lance. I'm a dummy Lance."

"Dude, please. You're a legal adult now. Stop pouting," Shiro said after two minutes of Lance talking to himself in a high pitched voice.

"Sorry. I-I'm just... trying to get my mind off of tattoos and pain y'know..." Lance said, picking at a stray strand of his shirt nervously.

"It's not even that bad, Lance! Trust me. This guy I'm taking you to will make sure you're safe and looking good," Shiro said, sending a wink Lance's way.

"He won't make fun of me if I cry right?"

"Uh... well... he might," Shiro said sheepishly.

"Great, now you're friend is going to think I'm a crybaby. And he'll never have respect for me. And then maybe he'll lose respect for you. And-"

"And we're here!" Shiro exclaimed excitedly.

"Woaaaahhh this place looks cool!" Lance said as he got out of the car.

The tattoo parlor sat between antique shop and a quaint little restaurant. It was heavily influenced by space. There were stars stuck in the window and Lance could see little planets and rocket ships hanging from the ceiling inside. The place was called, Out of this World Tattoos. There was a painted green alien holding up a peace sign next to the the name of the shop.

"The name is a bit cliche though," Lance snickered.

"Don't say that to the owner, he'll throw a fit. He's really proud of the name," Shiro laughed.

A little bell tinged as the pair opened the door.

"I'll be out in a minute!" A voice from the back called out.

Lance inspected the interior of the shop. The walls were black with images of planets, asteroid, comets, and anything else space related painted throughout. The lighting was bright enough that the artist will be able to see what they're doing. The reclining chairs that Lance will soon have to face were red. There was a counter near the back of the shop with stools surrounding it. Lance guessed that was where the artist and customer figure out the design. Closer to him was another counter with a register on it. All in all, Lance really liked the design and felt comfortable here.

That is until the owner came out from the back of the parlor. Lance could feel his anxiety rise again, but it was for a whole new reason.

"Sorry 'bout that, just cleaning up a bit. What can I do for you guys?" the raven haired god with tattoos for days asked.

Lance swore to himself that he'd never fall for a guy with a ponytail, but he's going to have to make an exception this time.

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