Chapter Two

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"Oh! Hey, Shiro. It's good to see you again," the owner said, unaware of the inner turmoil inside of Lance.

"Keith, how are you holding up?" Shiro asked while approaching the counter. The two held a civilized conversation for a bit while Lance tried not to stare.

The guy named Keith was around Lance's age. He had black hair pulled back in a small ponytail. His eyes were violet. ('How the hell can someone have violet eyes? And how can I be so gay for a guy I just met?' Lance thought to himself) His arms were filled with colorful tattoos of miscellaneous things that surely meant a lot to Keith. Overall, Lance was falling for this tattooed cutie, and falling hard.

"Is this the wimp who's scared of needles?" Keith laughed mockingly.

'As always, he's too good to be true,' Lance thought.

"So Shiro, this is the tattoo artist who is still a child that believes aliens are real?" Lance bit back, motioning to the decorations he thought were so cool. (Obviously Lance believed in aliens, he just needed a comeback.)

"Aliens are real," Keith said slamming his hands on the counter.

"If they are, why haven't we met any yet?" Lance said, making a face.

"It's probably because you're scaring them away with your stupidity," Keith growled.

"You're the stu-" Lance began.

"Guys! Knock it off, you're both 18. Grow up," Shiro exhaustedly said.

"Shiro you didn't tell me he was an idiot," Keith said.

"Yeah and you didn't tell me he was such a douche," Lance retorted.

"A deal is a deal. Lance you're getting a tattoo, and Keith you're giving it to him," Shiro said in his Dad Voice™.

"Fine," Keith and Lance both said together, huffing in defeat.

"Now I need to go... do something. So you guys behave alright?" Shiro asked.

"What?! You're leaving me alone?" Lance said, his anxiety skyrocketing. Who was he gonna hold hands with while getting a tattoo?

"You're leaving me alone with him?" Keith asked incredulously.

"Yes! Now get along. I'll be back," Shiro said as he began to leave the tattoo parlor.

As the bell on the door rang and Shiro's figure disappeared, the boys were filled with dread. The building was filled with heavy silence.

"So... you want a tattoo?" Keith asked monotonously.

"Yeah. I do. Cus I'm not a wimp," Lance said sneering.

"Sit down," Keith said rolling his eyes.

Lance reluctantly sat down on one of the stools while Keith walked into the back of the studio shuffling papers around, obviously looking for something.

"Found them," Keith said coming back with multiple papers of designs. He sent them on the counter in front of Lance.

"What are these?" Lance inquired.

"They're designs I've done in the past," Keith said.

"Oh uh," Lance started looking through the papers. He was impressed, very impressed. For an 18 year old, this guy was a genius. But nothing stuck out to Lance. Nothing made him say, 'This. This is me.'

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