Chapter 3

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Lance and Keith sat in awkward silence as they looked through the menu. Keith was extremely aware of the looks and whispers that were now directed at them, making it hard to concentrate on the description of his options. Lance had no difficulty choosing what he liked, luckily for Keith.

"I'm having a hard time choosing between these two. What do you think?" Lance asked, pointing out his options to Keith.

"Those were the two I was looking at too," Keith lied.

"Really? We must have similar tastes then," Lance smiled and Keith stopped. It was the first time Lance smiled at him. Not a smirk, not a grin, but a real, bright smile. It suited Lance.

"Uh yeah I guess so," Keith flushed, "So how about we do this. You get one and I'll get the other and we can share."

"Oooooo. It's almost as if we're a real couple," Lance smirked. He raised his eyebrows suggestively and poked Keith's arm.

"Grow up," Keith scoffed. He rolled his eyes and swatted Lance's hand away.

"Lance? Is that you Lance?

A young dark skinned woman with gorgeous white hair came up to the boys' table. She was wearing the restaurant's outfit and had a tray under her arm.

"Allura!" Lance exclaimed, his face lit up and his eyes went soft. Keith could tell in a heartbeat that he liked her. Keith's mouth went slightly dry.

"I heard from my coworker that there was a cute couple at this table, but I didn't expect it to be you. Is this your boyfriend?" Allura asked innocently.

Keith moved to deny any relation with Lance. He didn't want to get in the way of Lance's obvious crush, but before he could Lance grabbed his hand from across the table.

"Yup! His name is Keith. Keith this is my friend Allura. Say hi, babe," Lance lied through a forced smile that seemed to scream, Just go with it! Please!

Keith had no idea what was going on anymore. One minute he was getting lunch with a customer and now he has a boyfriend. Could this day get any more ridiculous?

"Hello Allura. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for taking care of my Lance," Keith said too sweetly. He squeezed Lance's hand tightly. Lance got the message. He owed Keith big time.

"It's an honor to meet you, Keith. Lance can be a handful sometime, but he's a sweetheart. You found a keeper," Allura said, ruffling Lance's hair. Lance absolutely melted in Allura's touch.

"I definitely did ma'am," Keith responded.

"While I'm here, let me take your order," Allura said opening up her pad and getting out her pen.


"What. The actual hell. Was that?!" Keith whispered after Allura was out of earshot.

"I don't know! I just panicked! We wouldn't have gotten free food if we told the truth," Lance said.

"Technically it's free anyway! Shiro gave us the money, remember?" Keith explained.

"Oh yeah," Lance realized, "... I guess the real problem was that... I didn't want to look lame," Lance said dejectedly.

"Well, you probably look lamer now that you have me as a boyfriend," Keith sighed, defeated.

"What? How could I ever look lame when I have you by my side?" Lance said.

"What does that mean?" Keith asked, his heart definitely not beating a little faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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