Chapter 6

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"Your not going to enjoy your meal if you yam it down like that..." My mum said sounding annoyed, one of her pet peeves is not having table/food manners.

"Well she doesn't want to be late" Tylan said yet another snarky comment about Jack... This time I could tell mum wants to know.

"Late for what? Where are you going Rosie?" Mum stared at me with a demon glare.

"To a friends house" I said bluntly, I'm just like Tylan- I hate my parents always bugging us about who we're seeing, where we're going, what are their names! I understand their our parents but some space would be nice!

"What's her name?" There she goes again, she automatically assumes it's a girl! She makes it out like I'm forbidden from boys.

"Claire" I lied, she won't even be there but I feel I have to lie so I can actually leave the house. Tylan stared at me with a obvious look, if mum or dad noticed they'd tell straight away I was lying.

"Right okay bye" mum said as I left the table and pulled my coat over me.

"Bye" I rushed so I could get out of there as soon as I could!

One I finally got out the house I walked to jacks house, he text me his address and told me the way to go so I wouldn't get lost. He was going to meet me at the skate park because I'm such a idiot I'd probably get lost following the directions but I insisted he didn't so he wasn't in and out the house all day, he's offered to walk me home and that's nice enough!

I finally reached the street and house number he told me and I was surprised I found my way without getting lost! I opened the gate and admired the massive house that stood before me... They must be pretty wealthy! I walked up to the wooden door and knocked loud enough so they could hear. I heard foot steps walking up to the door and Conor opened the door confused at first.

"Oh hey Rosie, I forgot you were coming. Uh Come in, I'll show you up to jacks room" Conor signalled me inside and lead me upstairs.

Conor walked me up a massive set of stairs up to a spacious 2nd floor, I followed him to a door that had wooden letters spelling Jack, they looked really cute but I was surprised as it doesn't seem like jacks style. Conor saw me stare at the lettering a bit too long as m he then said something.

"Our parents put them up, we all have it. Jack hates them" Conor laughed as he explained, he opened the door to reveal Jack playing some sort of call of duty game on his play station...

When Jack looked up and noticed I was here, he paused his game and hugged me. This was the first time he hugged me it was weird but nice! Jack sat on his bed and patted beside him to indicate for me to sit, Conor also sat on a beanbag on the floor. Jack was looking at Conor as if to tell me to leave, he didn't seem happy but he got up and headed for the door, he looked back at me with a slight smile. I wouldn't have minded if he stayed!

"So you okay?" Jack turned to me as Conor closed his bedroom door.

"Yeah thanks, you?" I smiled to him.

"Yeah, I got the movie on dvd, my mum brought it and some snacks" he pointed to side where there was a mountain of junk food!

"Ahh I love magic stars!" I cheered as I brought them over to his bed while he set up the dvd, he has a massive tv!

We sat under the covers of jacks extremely comfy double bed and watched the movie, I lent my head on jacks shoulder but every time there was a jump scare me and Jack would grab each other and cover our eyes with the duvet. Although we love horror movies you could tell we're scared! It was new movie and today's horrors are usually pretty sadistic, but Im used to all kinds of horror as me and Tylan watch them all the time!  

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