Chapter 9

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I very suddenly woke up...I shook as I awakened, I had a dream where I was falling off a cliff and as I was about to hit the ground, I woke up shaken by the whole ordeal. Dreams like that scare me, there more like nightmares, I get them quite often!

I looked over at the clock on jacks nightstand... At first I was confused until I realised I wasn't in my bed but I soon remembered! The clock read 4am! Why the hell am I waking up at 4am?!! Jack was still asleep, snoring like a chainsaw...that was probably what actually woke me up! 

I rubbed my tired eyes as the pain in my head started to erupt...its just like a migraine! It was all behind my left eye and it's on fire, it felt like it was going to burst! I've never been hung over before and this is enough to put me off for life! My mouth is so dry and scratchy so I sat up to look for a drink, as I heaved myself up, sickness gushed through my stomach and I could feel myself needing to puke!

I pulled the covers off and sprinted to the I sped down the corridor, I passed someone but didn't take any thought to look back, I was focused on getting to the toilet! As soon as I reached the bathroom I fell on my knees to the toilet and threw up half of my guts! I was sick multiple times and tasting vodka the second time round isn't fun... It burnt just as much as it did going down! I took a deep breath, more like a sigh of relief now I've finished puking. I sat back from the toilet and leaned against the wall, I could feel myself sweating and my head was pounding like a drum!

"You okay" someone whispered as they placed their hand on my shoulder... It scared the shit out of me! I didn't even know anyone was in the same room as me!

"Oh jeez you scared the shit out of me!" I said in a hushed, annoyed voice, the hand belonged to Conor, he looked just as bad as I felt...

"Sorry, are you feeling better now?" He looked concerned for me but I know he was suffering badly too.

"Not headddd" I dragged out the 'd' wincing as I held my head in pain.

"Go wait in my room, I'll bring you a drink and some paracetamol" Conor helped me up from the floor and left me to sort myself out, nothing sounded better right now than a Ice cold drink, my mouth was so dry it felt like I just ate sand.

As Conor left the room I quickly swilled my mouth out with mouthwash that was on the side, I then stumbled back to his room to wait for him. As I opened his bedroom door, I stood and gazed at his massive room! Surprisingly it was spotless, him and Jack must be OCD, that or their mum makes them clean it constantly! I walked over to his bed and sat on the edge,  if it was even possible I think Conor's bed was bigger than jacks! I got under his covers and sunk into his heavenly foam bed! It was still warm from where he was sleeping so that added to the comfort... If he wanted me to go back into jacks room now I think I might have to refuse!

I suddenly heard a snore... I looked over in the corner of Conor's room to see he has a sofa and laying across it was Tylan... He was hanging off it like a drunken mess and his snores were vile! I've never hear Tylan snore so loud and obnoxiously! I chose to ignore Tylan and continue to wait for Conor to return... As my head was in unbelievable pain, I laid in bed with my arm across my face, covering my eyes. I was trying to get back to sleep so maybe I can escape this migraine but a soon as I felt the slightest bit tired Conor entered the room.

"Here" Conor said sitting beside me smiling, I sat up and looked at him- he was holding some paracetamol and a glass of water, he is so kind and I know he'd much rather be sleeping now but he isn't... He's taking care of me! Why?

"Thanks" I said taking the paracetamol and the drink, my voice was groggy as it was still only 4:30am...

I placed 2 pills in my mouth and threw my head back to knock them further back in my mouth, I took a sip of the water Conor gave me and felt relief wash over me- it was so good to quench my thirst! The water was ice cold and instantly made me feel better! I downed the water and placed the glass on Conor's night stand.

"Thirsty?" Conor said shocked, I looked up at him and he moved a piece of my hair out of my face, as he did goosebumps electrocuted my body... The touch of Conor made my stomach flip, I thought I was going to be sick again but for a good reason this time!

I nodded to Conor as I calmed down, he made me feel so nervous and I wasn't sure what this feeling was as no one has ever made me feel this way..! Conor got up from the bed and walked round to the other side, he lift the covers and slid his body underneath them. As he adjusted his position he shuffled closer to me and put his arm round my shoulder... Was he still drunk or is he really trying to comfort me... Because if so its working!

"Get some sleep" he smiled at me as I placed my head on his chest, he rested his head on mine and I could instantly feel myself drifting comfortably to sleep. I could feel Conor tracing circles on my back with his fingers, it was light and relaxing... My headache was slowly fading away.

An Average High School // Conor Maynard FanficWhere stories live. Discover now