Chapter 14

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"Are you being serious?!" I looked up from Conor's shoulder, up into dads tear glazed eyes...

"Yes, are you coming to the hospital?" Dad said looking at Conor but I ignored it.

"Will you come?" I asked Conor with tears staining my cheeks.

"If that's okay?" Conor looked up at my dad, I'm sure dad was really confused as to who Conor is but he nodded his head as he wanted to get back to Tylan.

I told Conor to get in the car while I locked the house up with dad... I need to explain who Conor is, but not completely. As dad locked the front door he turned to me and I knew he was going to ask.

"Who is that" he referred to Conor.

"One of Tylans friends, we came to see if ty was home but as he wasn't he waited for him to come back" I lied... Well it's not a complete lie Conor and Tylan are friends.

"Okay let's go then" he smiled weakly at me and rushed to the car.

I jumped in the back with Conor, dad didn't mind because he obviously wasn't planning on talking any way he's too focused on getting to the hospital. The journey was long but was soon over after I drowned myself out with music... It's the easiest way to pass time, I had my head rested on conors lap and he played with my hair. If dad wasn't so fixated on the road he would be suspicious but while we can get away with it we might as well make the most out of it.

It's sad to think my brother at this moment in time is laying in a hospital bed under intensive care... At the moment I feel numb, I can't quite comprehend that Tylan has been hit by a car but I guess I will when I see his helpless body waiting to regain strength. Dad hasn't gone into detail with how bad he is but if he's in a coma he can't be doing great!

Once the car stopped I heaved myself up to see we've arrived in the hospital car park, Conor looked at my sympathetically... He knew I was scared but he tried to comfort me, that's all he can do! Me and Conor followed dad as he escorted us down long corridors to a room, the room was enclosed with blinds for privacy but I knew what was inside. I braced myself as dad opened the door... I gasped as I saw Tylan laying on the bed covered in tubes and wires and blood soaked bandages. Although he looked like he should be in excruciating pain, he looked peaceful. I sat besides mum who was holding Tylans hand, next to his bed.

Conor and dad stood at the end of the bed talking, I'm not sure what about though as mum turned to me. Her eyes were bloodshot and tear filled. I engulfed her in a hug and she gripped me tight, we don't unusually do this but under these circumstances we both need it.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as I pulled away from her.

She weakly nodded to me and returned her gaze to Tylan, I don't think she really knew what to do... A nurse came in to check on us, as soon as she walked in mum and dad shot their eyes to her, they wanted to know everything they could.

"Is everything okay in here?" The nurse asked.

"Yes but we just want to know how our boy is" dad spoke up looking from the nurse to Ty.

"Well the doctor told me he's stronger with breathing so he's breathing on his own now, but honestly it's just a case of waiting for him to wake up which we hope is soon" she explained, it gave me hope that'll he'll wake up soon but I'm still so worried.

"And what about damage to his body, any broken bones?" Mum added.

"Yes so he has broken his femur in his leg, it's the longest bone so it's not good... He'll need a operation but obviously not until he wakes up, he's broken his wrist aswell and we will cast him up but other than that just bruising." There must have been a lot of impact, I feel so bad for him!

Conor looked at me with complete sympathy, he knew I just needed a hug but couldn't with my parents here... We all sat around Tylans bed, mum refused to leave his side as she wants to be there when he wakes up. We'd been here for about 4 hours now and it started to get tedious... Waiting was making me antsy because I just want him to say he's okay.

"Right I'll take the kids home and I'll come back" dad stood up and looked at mum "will you be okay on your own tonight rose" he asked me stretching.

"Um yeah anything for Ty" I said looking at them with a weak smile.

"Thank you sweetheart we'll call you tomorrow" mum kissed my head and I hugged her tight.

"Okay good night" I squeezed Ty's hand.

Dad drove me and Conor home, again I sat in the back with Conor. I got my phone out and got my notes up, in the notes I typed Conor a message saying 'stay over tonight?'. I looked up to Conor who was nodding and smiling. I returned the smile to him and held his hand. If dad knew Conor was staying he'd kill me!

"Conor where do you live and I'll drop you off" dad said breaking the silence.

"Oh don't worry I live down the road I'll walk, saves you going out the way. You need to get back to Tylan." Conor said smiling? Dad noticed Conor's kind gesture and smiled back.

"If that's okay, thank you" dad said turning onto our street.

We pulled up to our driveway and me and Conor jumped out saying bye to dad, I could tell he felt bad leaving me but I'd rather him be with Ty. At least I won't be alone and Conor said he'd stay so I can spend it with him.

"Right I'll go get some clean clothes and my tooth brush and stuff, I won't be long okay" Conor said kissing my forehead now that dad was out of sight.

"Okay I'll make some food" I smiled to him.

"Sounds good, see you soon" Conor kissed me one last time.

"Byee" I said as Conor walked toward his house.

Sorry for the massive wait for the update, I've been really ill and had no energy to update but nevertheless it's here now, hope you enjoy ❤️

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