Stubborn Love Pt. 1

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"She'll lie and steal, and cheat, and beg you from her knees Make you think she means it this time She'll tear a hole in you, the one you can't repair But I still love her, I don't really care"

Normani was a broken girl, but what girl wasn't after having the pleasure of knowing Lauren Jauregui?

She was beautiful, charming, and sweet when she wanted something. And she wanted something from Normani.

Now it seemed all to clear to Normani how niave she had been to really think she could change Lauren. She was the school's badass with a reputation for breaking hearts, and Normani was just another name on that long list.

She had been warned multiple times by friends and strangers, but she didn't listen. How she wished she would have listened. It would have saved her a lot of tears if she would have turned the other way as soon as she saw the green eyed siren.

She knew that it wouldn't have been that easy though, because no one had ever been able to resist Lauren. She was a natural charmer, and very skilled at getting what she wanted. And she wanted Normani.


Normani wasn't one for parties. She didn't enjoy drinking and dancing with random strangers in packed living rooms.

But going against her better judgement she let her bestfirend, Dinah Jane, drag her to Brad Simpson's party. She didn't even know Brad or any of the people at this party; Hell she didn't even know anyone at the school outside of her three bestfriends.

She hadn't been at the party for more than ten minutes and she had already been hit on at least five times by the same guy who couldn't take a hint.

Dinah had long been gone by now; So that just left Normani to fend for herself. She didn't even know why Dinah had brought her to the party if she was just going to abandon her the moment they got here.

With no way home she thought it best to wait for Dinah to tire herself out. So, she headed to the kitchen in hope of finding some solace.

The kitchen was upstairs making the noise and music more bareable for the dark skin girl.

Normani excepted to find the kitchen flooded with intoxicated teenagers looking for food, but instead there was only one other occupant.

They had their back to Normani, and where bent over rumaging through the fridge. From their backside Normani could tell it was a girl.

Not knowing how to approach the situation or the girl without seeming awkward Normani patiently waited for the girl to turn around.

When the girl finally did turn around with two beer cans in hand she let out a small yelp.

"What the fuck? You scared me. Why are you just standing there?"

Normani couldn't reply, because she was meet with the most intimidating yet alluring green eyes she'd ever seen.

The stranger noticed Normani's staring and started smirking obviously enjoying the effect she had on the dark skin girl.

"Like what you see?"

"O...Oh Sorry." Normani replied. Her eyes finally leaving the stranger, and resting on her feet.

"So......What are you doing up here?" She asked raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Just trying to get away from people." Normani said still not looking up at the girl who was unashamedly staring her down taking in all her curves.

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