Lean Pt. 2

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"I'm giving up on myself today.
Lost what I had, is there a way to get it back?
I'll find rebuilding in slow decay.
Take off my shoes to dip my toes in something new."

It was her fault, but when was it not? Lauren had been so scared that Normani would leave her that she had unknowingly pushed her away.

Now that there was no longer any light in Lauren's life she felt like there was no reason for her to try anymore. She could feel everything good that she had going for her slowly slipping through her fingers.

Lauren was headed down a dark path without the fear of losing Normani keeping her from doing reckless things. She started hanging with Brad and her old friends again. She was going to party after party. Her grades her beginning to slip, because she wasn't attending any of her classes.

What was the point of even trying if she didn't have Normani by her side?

"You don't need her."

"You're better off."

"She wasn't even that cute."

"You'll get over her eventually....I hope."

Those were just a few encouraging words from Lauren's so called friends. She knew they were just trying to help, but there was no point she would never get over Normani and she really didn't ever want to.

On days that Lauren would attend school she made sure to stear clear of the chocolate beauty. She didn't want Normani to see how horrible she was doing without her. She was Lauren Jauregui for fucks sake. She needed to pull herself together and fast.

But what was the point?

She lost the love of her life. Nothing mattered anymore. She wondered how she got through life before Normani. She didn't.

One thing was certain her life was a living hell before and after Normani Kordei Hamilton.

It eventually got easier. Well that's what she told herself. Lauren would no longer run the other way when she saw the dark skin girl coming her direction. Now she would simply walk past the older girl head held high so no one would know she was slowly dying inside.

Being so close yet so far away was like a knife to the heart.

To make things worst Normani would always smile at the raven haired girl like they were old friends not knowing that she was only making it worst.

From Lauren's prespective it seemed like Normani was okay, but she wasn't.

Who would be after losing their first love?

Normani spent the first week after their break up locked in her room crying her eyes out. The ebony beauty couldn't help but blame herself for the whole situation. She felt as if she was the reason Lauren had started acting weird. Maybe she shouldn't have pushed Lauren to change.

But that wasn't the problem at all.


"Lauren Michelle Jaurgaui Margado!!!!" Clara yelled after her only child as she ran up the stairs.

Lauren just continued to ignore her mother as she made her way into her bedroom. Making sure to slam the door extra hard so her annoyance was made clear.

Usually that would be the end of it. Clara or Mike would yell at Lauren then the raven haired girl would retreat to her room. They usually wouldn't bother Lauren until dinner time.

This time Clara wasn't letting it go. She followed Lauren bursting through the door fixing Lauren with a stern glare.

"Why must you be so difficult?" Clara asked standing in the door way.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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