Lean Pt. 1

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"I'm giving up on myself today. I found the cure for all the things i'm looking for. I'm finding color in black and grey. Put my shoes and wondered just what I would do."

Lauren would never describe her life as easy. It had it's many ups and downs, but recently there had been more downs then ups. Her parents were getting on her nerves and things with Normani weren't going as well as she wished they were.

Lauren hadn't talked to Normani in a week, because the older girl suggested that they needed some space after the incident that happened at school on Thursday. Lauren had thought that it was a good idea at the time to allow Normani her space, but she was starting to regret her decision.

To Lauren it seemed as if Normani was doing just fine without her. Though Lauren was the complete opposite of fine. She was starting to regret the actions that had put them in such a situation only because she hadn't seen her baby in a week. It wasn't even Lauren's fault in her eyes she was just defending what was her's.


Lauren wasn't having a particularly good week. Her parents had come back from their business trip Monday night, and they wasted no time telling Lauren just how unsatisfied and disappointed they were with her. To get her mind off of her parent's blatant disapproval of her she would usually end up doing something stupid with Brad and the rest of her friends, but she couldn't afford to get into any trouble and risk losing Normani.

So, Lauren was dealing with her problems the only way she knew how to. She was drinking and getting high when she wasn't spending time with Normani. When Lauren was with Normani all her problems seemed to disappear, but as soon as the older girl's presence was gone Lauren's mood immediatley darkened.

Lauren knew that she should talk to her girlfriend about what was going on with her, but Lauren was never really one for opening up and talking about feelings. So she just secretly drowned all her problems away with alcohol and drugs.

Whenever Lauren was under the influence she would make sure to remain in the solitude of her room. Recent events had forced Lauren to come to school while high. If it was up to her she would be at home in bed, but her mother had yelled at her about not taking life seriously then dropped her off at school leaving her stranded.

So, Lauren found herself walking down the hall to her first class wearing sunglasses with her head hung low. Lauren was lucky that she didn't have any classes with Normani, because she knew that she wouldn't hear the end of it if Normani knew she was high.

The world seemed to be working against her today, because as soon as she turned the corner she saw Normani standing at her locker but she wasn't alone. Arin, the captian of the football team, was standing a little to close to Normani for Lauren's liking.

Lauren knew that she had nothing to worry about. Normani would never cheat on her, but she couldn't help thinking that maybe the dark skinned girl would grow tired of her and her problems and decide to move on to someone else. The raven haired girl knew that her thoughts were irrational, but the more she watched Arin basically attach himself to her girlfriend the more she got angry.

Soon enough Lauren became irritated not only with Arin but also with Normani, because she was just letting it all happen. Having seen enough Lauren made her way over to the pair. Everyone in the hallway was looking in her direction and whispering; that only upset her more.

When Lauren arrived in front of the duo Normani automatically took a step back from Arin. Normani offered up a good morning, but Lauren just ignored her and stared down Arin.

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