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After years of fans demanding for fresh teenage faces in the Marvel Universe, and our prayers have been answered! As of last night promo pictures of each character have been released adding exictment, for until that moment there was no talk about possibly making a Young Avengers movie. Both Joss Wheldonand the Russo Brothers (Anthony & Joseph Russo) will be directing the film together as a team. In an interview earlier this morning the trio answered some questions that helped fans come to terms as to what this film will mean for the MCU.

Will this film be in anyway connected to what is currently established in the Marvel universe of the original Avengers, Defenders, and so on?
Joss: yes, there will be some mentions towards the Avengers we already have and the other Marvel projects that are already being released.

What can the fns be expecting from this film? How will it be different from the already well-known Avengers and the new spiderman film of battling teenage life and being superhero?
Anthony: Well of course this film will be very much different from the Avengers we've come to know and love. This is starting from the start , the Young avengers are teenagers, a group of teenagers who have to come together and be one, they do have to go through everyday life of school and social life, but the major difference between them and spiderman is that they have each other. They're a team.
Joseph: We have such an amazing group of writers who are coming together to write, what I honestly believe is the best script I've laid eyes on. Because what I believe that when the movie does come out, there will be moments when the viewers [fans] forget that these are young kids barely 17 who are dealing with a crisis, and then its going to hit them hard leaving them with the sudden realization of "these are just kids".

Now the casting choice wasn't something everyone expected. Why did you manage to go this route with the casting?
Anthony: We wanted fresh faces. People who the audience would be having to take a second look and be like "wow yes I can see it"
Joss: Casting was definitely the hardest,there are so many young actors and actresses out there, but the performance of those we chosed will end up surprising everyone.

Thankfully the casting choice was very much appreciated and not many have complained. This movie will definitely be one to mark your calendars for! Filming for The Young Avengers starts next month, can't wait to see set photos soon! We unfortunately do not have any names as to who the actors and actresses that are going to be in this movie willbe playing. Hopfully we will find out soon!

Article By,
Penelope Dens , E!News


Analise Walker (19, Youtuber)

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