Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story

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Chapter 1

'Faye, get up!' 

'Im up mum!' 

Urgh, so I had just moved from Australia over to Britain, I mean, Britain looks so cool and the boys with the accents are so hot. But I missed my friends and I hated starting new schools, but, it was only college, it cant be that bad, right? I didn't know what people wore over here and it was so cold compared to Australia so I wasn't very well prepared. I put some leggings on with converse, a jacket and body warmer, I guess I'll be okay.

'Mum I'm going!'

'Okay hun, just get settled in, we will go shopping this weekend and get you warmer clothes, we wasn't very well prepared was we!'

'Haha okay, and no we wasnt!'

'Have a good day, text me if you want but don't let your teachers see mrs!'

'I wont mum, bye!'

'Bye babe'

I verntured out into the freezing cold weather, in Australia I'd be going college in shorts and flip flops! I was just dreading making new friends, I wish I could of brought best friend with me, but he's coming over in a few weeks, yes, my best friends a boy. Luckily I didn't live very far from this college I was going too so I didn't get lost..that would be embarrassing. I finally arrived, I got all my lesson plan and everything and tried to find my way, I could feel people staring at me. So, I have Spanish first..hmm. I was pretty good at Spanish, I don't mean to be big headed but I'm quite good at remembering stuff quick. I walked into lesson and not everyone was here yet, phew. People were talking, man they're accents were hot! Obviously not the girls. One boys accent stood out the most, I looked at him in the corner of my eye, he had a head full of curls! Dude. He was hot. He looked like he liked being centre of attention though, I hate boys who are hot and are popular, they always become big headed!

'Hi I'm new?'

'Ohh! Yes you must be..Faye?'

'That's me!'

This teacher seemed quite nice

'Well you sit right there, don't worry I won't start asking you questions till you get the grip of things, so have you ever done spanish before?'

'Yes ma'am I'm pretty good actually!'

'Oh really! I'll be expecting to hear some of that then!'

She said with a smile, I nodded, she pointed over to sit next to the boy with curly hair...great. He had chewing gum and he was leaning back on his chair telling everyone around him something, who does he think he is?! I walked over and he could see I had to get past, I was on the back row and his chair was leaning against the wall, like rocking.

'Excuse me' I said the nicest way I could

Everyone looked at me including him, damn he had nice Faye, quit it.

'Say please'

He said trying to be smart, everyone laughed at him, I had a very short temper. I pushed his chair forward and made him move, it gave him abit of a shock which I thought was quite funny.

'Next time don't be so rude'

I said giving him an evil look, he started to go red and kept quiet, all of his friends around him laughed.

'Hey, speak again?' A boy said turning around to me

'Huh?' I said giving a confused look


Everyone turned around to me, the boy next to me kept his head down most of the lesson, ok so 10 minutes in and i've already made a new enemey..and he was hot..great.

'Yeah!' I said laughing

'Wowww why did you move over hear then?'

It was like story time, everyone was around me listening

'Err my mum got a promotion over here'

'I would of stayed in Australia!' a girl said

'I wish I could of, it's freezing over here!'

Everyone laughed, then the teacher started the lesson. It liked Spanish so I didn't really get bored, we had to write a paragraph about our family so I got my head down and started. The boy next to me, I think his name was Harry. Well anyway, Harry kept fidgeting and it was kinda putting me off. He kicked the boy infront

'Man have you got a pen?' He whispered

'No sorry man'

He groaned, I had a pen..should I lend it him? Eh I may aswell, I don't want a bad name on my first day.

'I've got one' 

'I don't want to borrow one of yours'

WAS THIS BOY FOR REAL!? How old is he again?! Just because I made him go red because he was being rude he went in a strop, wow fucking prick.

'Erm, how old are you again?'

'17 how old are you?' He said grinning

'Don't act like it do you?' 

'What is your problem?'' He moaned


'My problem is you, what's yours?'


We stared at each other for a while then turned back around, what a first day..

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