Tell Me A Lie - A Harry Styles Love Story

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Chapter 18


We had landed in Australia, we were just waiting for Faye to come pick us up, I was so nervous about seeing her. Last time I saw her I'd broke her heart, I wonder if she would ever forgive me for that? I knew she hadn't actually forgave me even though she said she had, I knew she was still hurting. 

'Calm down!' Lou said

'How can I! I've not saw her for ages'

'It will be alright man'

I still loved Faye so much, I was scared that I would like her more being on this holiday. But she was over me, I think? 

'HAN!' Lou shouted already running

I guess it was time to see Faye, I followed Lou and there she was..she looked absolutely gorgeous. Her tan was fuller, which made her look so hot. She looked like she was back home, I guess she was happier here.

'HARRY!' She shouted

I ran over to her


She dived on me and I span her around, it was like we were still dating..but the bad part was that we weren't.

'I missed you!' She said

She missed me?

'I missed you too much' I said smiling

She quickly kissed me on the cheek, did she still like me? I hope so, I was determined to make it right.

'Nan this is Harry'

'Hello' I said politley

'Hi Harry darling' She said pulling me in for a hug

Aww she was so cute, I said hey to Hannah and we all went back to Faye's. 

'This is your and Louis' room' Faye said

I nodded and unpacked all my stuff. We were all heading to the beach so I changed. 


We were all on the beach, Faye was in a bikini, I know it's rude but I couldn't help but stare. Lou and Hannah were heading out into the sea.

'You coming?' Faye said holding out her hand

Why was she holding her hand out? Whatever, I still stood up and we held hands running into the sea.

'OH MY GOD TOO COLD' She screamed running back

'GET HERE' I said chasing her

I put her over my shoulders and carried her into the sea, it's like when me and Cole carried her up the stairs.



I put her down, but dropping her into the sea.


'You said put me down?!'

'I MENT ON THE SAND YOU IDIOT!' She said dragging me into the sea

And it was absolutely freezing. 


She was already laughing her head off and dived on my back, was we flirting? I carried her about for abit then let her swim on her own, we ended up facing each other and we just looked at each other.

'I'm sorry' I said

'I already forgave you'

'I know you haven't Faye'

She looked away

'I love you'

'I love you too'

'Then why won't you stay with me?'

'It's complicated'

'It isn't! You love me, I love you, what's complicated?'

'I just need time ok?'

'I'll give you all of the time in the world'

She smiled and got back on my back, hopefully the 'time' she was taking to think about it, wouldn't be that long, I really missed her..


Wow that was awkward, I did still love Harry, I just didn't know wether to get back with him. My head was telling me to say yes when he asked me before, but what if he cheated again? It hurt me so bad I didn't want to go through that again! But he was drunk, I think he'd be abit more casious this time..I was so confused, just focus on having a good time Faye.

'You coming to get a drink?' I said to Harry

I wanted to spend time with him to build the trust back up again

'Sure thing' 

As we were walking he grabbed my hand, I looked up and smiled at him. He did still give me butterflies, and I was happy that we were holding hands. We sat down and drank our drinks.

'What an adorable couple' An old lady said

'Oh we're not a'

'Thank you' Harry said interupting me

She smiled and walked off

'What did you do that for?'

'Let me hope'

Awwwwwwwwwww, I really did want to get back with him. I DID!

'About what you said before'

A big smile got on his face

'Even if we were to get back together, how would I know you wouldn't do it again?'

'Because I wouldn't get drunk again, you know how much I love you, I was such an idiot for doing it, I just drank too much, I would never want to hurt you ever again'

I smiled and he gripped my hand I did love him so much.

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