The Attack ~Edited~

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I was heading home from school my head down as I focused on the rythm coming through my earbuds when I heard screeches and screams.

Screech:trains halt

Screams:the frantic people.

Everyone stared running in fear as a group of boys came in. About 100 escaped but the other thousands got stopped. "Line against the wall!" One boy commanded.

Finally I snapped out of my trance and hid watching from a distance. The boys started tying everyone down. I counted about 23 can't be that hard...right? I thought. When one guy walked past my hiding spot I grabbed him into a head lock.'Their pretty decent' I thought as I squeezed tighter. 'If you let go you will be caught' I encouraged myself to hold on longer until finally the boy went limp.

Coincidently there was an elevator behind me. Qiukly putting the man in the elevator I held my arm to the door keeping it open.Leave and allow the police to do the rest or help out more.After a few more moments of my head and my heart debating I moved my arm out of the way and allowed the boy to be carried up to the top exactly where I heard the faint sound of sirens.

I did that sloppily with all of them except 5 who served to be the best.

After waiting to see if they would show any movement towards me I decided I couldn't hide anymore. I ran out aiming for the 5 guys in the middle. What looked like the youngest of them sprinted towards me a bit too excited allowing me to do a direct hit to his face knocking him out cold.

Swiftly I grabbed him and used him as a shield.To my suprise the men kept their weapons aimed and ready with absolutely no sign of hesitation.

"You would really hurt your own comrade" I yelled in disbelief.

"He proved to be a weakness we would never lose to such pitiful and typicle threats" the boy who seemed highly sophisticated stated simply

My eyes widened in shock.There was no way I could let this boy take my hits.I threw him to the side expecting them to keep their aim on me but Knives just moved it to him.

A gasp escaped my lips as he gently released it.I can't believe I'm doing this I thought as I shield the  boy.

I cringed as I felt the knife slide through the flesh of my shoulder blade.I took it out with a grunt and glared at the amused boys before me.

Slowly I inched myself up and gave the best death stare I could hoping that, through a miracle, looks would kill.

Before I could do anything more my body started to feel numb.Knowing I had nothing to lose I attacked.I started exchanging punches with Silent hoping I could take him down quik enough but I ended up stumbling back and falling on my stomach.

With blurred vision I saw Knives and Smart strut to me.Knives bent down on 1 knee and lifted my chin with his index finger and thumb "What did you do to her" he spoke with furrowed eyebrows as he observed me.

Brain picked up the knife that punctured me "Just coated your blades with a drug" he spun it in his hand and smiled down at me "Seems like it had a pretty good effect" he added with a pleased smile.

I felt completely worthless as they grabbed 3 teenage boys and 2 teenage girls.'I have to do something,anything' I thought as I grabbed onto Brains jeans causing him to bend down to my level "Aww you want to come with us?" He asked sarcastically before he carried me bridal style letting my arms and head hang lose.

"Just sleep love it won't get any worse than this" he commanded as he saw my eyes saging "shh,shh" he added when I squirmed.

Finally I gave up and went limp in his arms.

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