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I'm gonna try my best to tell the story how I mean to tell it if you don't understand comment and I will fix the story and/or answer the question thanks

As I was struggling against the boys I waited to see a clearing of my brother.Finally when I took all the boys down I looked over to my brother to see him huffing on his knee with 3 bullets straight through his heart.

As I was about to run to finish him the boys grabed me and tied me back onto a chair despite my struggling.Finally I calmed down to get rid of my curiosity."You see Himitsu" he started getting up on his feet "Those years before I assassinated our family I spent that time experimenting on bodies until I finally found a way to survive bullet shots lucky you,you shot 3 times in my heart meaning that I will probably die in 2 days and I knew that when I was done experimenting.A thought came to my head I don't care I'd I die but as long as I can get revenge and leave a legend I'll be good.So guess what little sis" he said walking to me "I am gonna make these next 2 days a living hell for you until you really go to hell" he smiled at me as he tried to look for any fear in my eyes only to be unsuccessful "Once again exactly like our father no fear and unfinished future."

I jolted on the restraints furious that he would bring my father's death into this.He smirked seeing he hit a nerve.

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