Zenon... Stop !

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Zenon looked pissed. Probably because I had been out and I hasn't told him where. Or who with.

Zenon: "Where were you ?"

Me: "Out. "

Zenon: "Who with ?"

Me:"A friend. "

Zenon: Dont play with me. Who were you with ?"

Me: "Your not my dad Z. Stop acting like it. I'm a big girl. I can hold my own. "

Zenon: "I know you can but I don't want anything to happen to you. You all I got Ree. "Ree is the nickname Z have me when we first met. He said it was because I was two steps away from being in a mental ward. "I just need to know you safe. So many people got hits out for me and I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you because of this. "

Me: "Well I'm a big girl Z. I got this. "

Zenon: "Whatever little girl. He said laughing. "I need you to be up and dressed by 11. I brought your stuff here. Your gonna stay with Zay. Love you. " He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

Me: "Ugh. Love you too. " He left and I went upstairs to wash the makeup off my face and get in the bed. My phone vibrated.

*Text Conversation*
Jay💜💙: I had a good time tonight. Hopefully we can get together again. 😘

Jeriaa 💙💜: I did too. Hopefully we can. ☺️

Jay💜💙: What are you doing tomorrow night ? My friend from the mall is throwing a party and wants you and ya girl to come. "

Jeriaa💙💜:Idk. I'll let you know tomorrow. What time does it start ?

Jay💜💙: 10.

Jeriaa💙💜: I'll ask Zay. I'm going to bed good night.

Jay💜💙: Good night gorgeous

I put my phone on charge and got into bed.

***Next Day***
I got up about 9:30 ish. I went and made breakfast for me and Zay. I made waffles, bacon, and sausage. After I finished cooking I cleaned up and ate. It was 10 already. I went to the closet to figure out what I was wearing. Since I didn't know what we were doing I wore my white and purple RGOKY (Ranger Gang Or Kill Yourself) hoodie, purple shorts, and my Grape 5s. I decided to put my hair in a high ponytail. I grabbed my phone off the dresser. I had a text

**Text Conversation**
Jay💜💙: Good morning gorgeous.

Jeriaa💙💜: Good morning 💙

Jay💜💙: You guys comin to the party ?

I went to Zay's room and she was up eating.

Me: "Hey boo. Wanna go to a party with Jay and his friend from the mall ? "

Zay: "Idk why you even asked that. You already know the answer is yes ! " I laughed and texted Jay and told him we were going. At 11 Z called and said he was outside. I went and got in the car and he drove off.

Me: "Sooooooo ..... Where are we going ? "

Z: "I know you said you can hold your own and everything but I need to make sure you can. Were going to the gun range. " Did he really just say that ? Did the negro forget my dad was a Sergeant in the Army ?? I can shoot a gun with my eyes closed. But imma let him have his little moment. We pulled up moments later. We got our and we inside to pick out a gun for me. I saw the most adorable gun ever ! It was a pink and black handgun. I was in love !!!

Me : "Z Z Z !!! Can I have this one ? Please please please ????? " He laughed at me.

Z: "Quit jumping around. You look like a three year old. " He bought the gun for me and we went to the shooting part. I put on my protective googles and my earmuffs and started shooting. Every shot I fired went through the head part of the paper figure.

Z: Damn. I ain't know you could shoot like that. "

Me: "Did you forget my dad was a Sergeant ?"

Z:"Yeah I did. You need to join my team. "

Me: "Nope nope nope. Maybe if what you did was legal then I would. Oh ! And I either need you to take me to the mall or take me to Zay's. I need something to wear tonight. I'm going out. "

Z: "I'll take you to the mall. I need to get some stuff too. " We left and went to the mall. When we got to the mall, the girls were drooling over Z. He put his arm around my shoulders.

Me: "You just love making these girls mad huh?" He laughed

Z: "Yeah. It's funny to watch them storm away. " We went to Footlocker to get us both a pair of Jordan's. I got all blue Son Of Mars and he got black Grape 5s. We rang them up then left. He dropped me back off at Zay's house. It was only 5 so we had a lot of time left. I went inside and picked out my outfit. I decided to wear setting different. Something that I would never ever wear. I picked out a pair of blue leggings with rips on the side, my white and blue shirt that says "I Got 99 Problems But I Can't Remember One " with a pic of Dory from Nemo, a blue scarf and my new shoes. I knew everyone was gonna be talking about me on Monday but idc. I don't wanna be the goodie two shoes anymore. I mean I'm not about to go around giving my punany up to any and every body but I'm gonna cut loose. Since I still had a couple of hours before the party, I decided to take a nap.

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