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*One month later*
Me: "One.. two.. three.. four. What the hell ???" I recounted just to make sure. Two packs of weed were missing. "Oh hell no !!!" I ran out the office in my heels to the naked female workers. "LISTEN THE FUCK UP !! Which one of y'all took packs of weed ? " Nobody answered. "IMMA ASK ONE MORE FUCKING TIME!!! WHO TOOK PRODUCT ???" one girl pissed herself. So now I knew who it was. She was one of my favorites. Business is business. I drug the bitch by her hair into the money room where Jay and X were. "Can someone tie this hoe up in the basement ?"
Jay: "What happened ? "
Me :"She stole. So she gotta die. " I shrugged. X grabbed her and tied her up. I've been working at the trap for about a month. At first I used to get walked over because I was too nice. Now imma hard bitch who kills and doesn't think twice about it. No one fucks around with me anymore.
Jay: "You look so damn good in that skirt. " He walked up to me and grabbed my ass.
Me: "Hahaha ! Don't be starting no freaky shit Jay ! " We both laughed.
"Boy, this all for you, just walk my way
Just tell me how it's lookin' babe
I do this all for you, baby, just take aim
And tell me how it's lookin', babe (how it's looking)
And tell me how I'm lookin', babe (lookin' babe)" My phone started ringing.
Me: "Hello ?"
Lala:" Ummm ... You need to get home. Quick. Like now. "
Me: "What's wrong ??"
Lala: "JUST GET HERE !!!!!" She hung up.
Me: "I gotta go. Lala just called. Something's wrong at home. "
Jay: "Ill roll with chu. " We went and got in my car. 20 mins later we were at my house. I walked in and turned on the lights.
Everyone: "SUPRISEEEEEEE !!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!" I almost had a heart attack.
Me: "You guys !!! Omg thank you !" It's my 16th birthday. I love my friends so much. Jay handed me red and white roses and a freaking purple and blue zebra stripped teddy bear from Build-A-Bear !!!
Me: "OMG JAY !!!! You're the best !!!" I kissed him and took my flowers and put them in a vase and put my teddy in my bedroom. I walked around hugging, talking and introducing Jay to people.
"My bitch !!!" Wait ....... That sounded like ......
Me : "JUNELE !!!!!!!!! My hoe !!!!!!" We hugged each other. Me and Nelli been cool since 2nd grade. She's my rider. We lost contact after my dad died. "OMG !!! I missed your ass !!! How have you been ??"
Nelli : "I've been good. What about you ?? Where momma ?" I sighed.
Me: "Me and momma haven't talked I a while. We fell out. Maylo wasn't my dad. Turns out my dad was really some dope dealer. "
Nelli: "Damn hun. Well I see you got a fine ass new lil boo. "
Me: "Oh lemme introduce y'all. " I went to to get Jay. "Jay this is my sister Junele. Nelli this is my boyfriend Jay. " They hugged and we all talked and laughed and enjoyed ourselves. I was glad they threw me this party. I had fun. After everyone left me and Jay went back to his place.
Me: "Thank you for throwing me a party. "
Jay: "Anything for you babe. " He kissed me. "Have you talked to your mom ?"
Me: "She called me today but I didn't answer."
Jay: "You need to talk to her. Find out why she lied, and who your real dad is. "
Me:" I just can't deal with all that right now. My life is finally good. And I don't wanna fuck it up by bringing some bullshit up. "
Jay: "I understand babe. But still. You should. " I just want him to shut up about it.
Me: "Fine. I will. It's late I'm going to bed. Night babe. " I kissed him and went to get in his bed. He still had a few runs to make so he left. I drifted off to sleep moments later.

???: "He just left out. Let's go. "
????: "This bitch about to get hers. "
Hope You Guys Likeeee ! Let me know if y'all have any comments or suggestions. You and inbox me or Kik me, Riaa_Lovee. Love you guys !!!!!

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