Chapter 5 - Couple dance?

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"I think he is right."

These words were running through my mind , and yes I was blushing very hard, I was the colour of a strawberry. I was thinking about it the whole night. I couldn't sleep. I tried dancing in the room to get rid of my thoughts, I even jumped on my bed like a monkey. After that I was exhausted, I finally buried my face in the pillow and slept.


Next morning ,I woke up when I heard somebody knocking on the door, I looked at the time in my phone and it was already 8.. I quickly opened the door to see who he is, I hope its not Lee Jong Suk because he is way too hot to handle in the morning and yes I don't want to get scolded.

I opened the door and saw that all seven members were standing in front of me. They all looked at their watches and gave me a ' dude - what -even' look.

"Yaah! Do you know what time it is?" Taehyung said

"I am sorry, I couldn't sleep last night ,so that is why I didn't hear my alarm. I am really sorry." I said as I bowed

"Okay okay, go wash up and come down for the breakfast." J-Hope said.

"Yes.". I bowed and went inside.

I quickly did my morning routine and took a shower. I got dressed up in a light blue check shirt which I tugged in with blue jeans, and simple white sneakers. I opened up my hair and curled the ends. After I was done ,I headed to the dining room.

When I entered I saw all the boys sitting on a table and discussing something, they didn't notice me so I preferred not to disturb them. I took a tray and headed towards the area where all the breakfast was. After I took the breakfast I sat on a table next to where they were sitting. That is when, rap monster noticed me and shouted,

" hey... Park Hye Ji!"

I looked up,

"Come have breakfast with us , here." He pointed his hand towards the seat next to Jin and next to min Yoongi too so that is in the middle.

I smiled and joined them. But to be honest I was really nervous sitting next to jin. I took my tray and sat next to jin, in front of me it was Taehyung and on my right was Min Yoongi. I was sitting with them and there was an awkward silence when J-Hope questioned,

"Why did you sleep late at night?"

I choked on my food and looked at him. While jin froze and didn't say a word.

"U-u-m-mm" I shuttered

"Something is suspicious" jimin smirked

"No, that's not the thing, well I don't know there were something's I was deeply thinking about."

At my answer, Jin choked . Jungkook handed him a glass of water.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook said

"Y-yess" he said.

We were eating and talking,

"Yah! Hye ji, how do you feel with us?"

"Its nice , well I hope its always nice " I smiled.

"Hye Ji, call me oppa" jimin said

"What?" They all said together

"Are you crazy or what? " Taehyung said to Jimin

"Oh come on, okay Hye Ji don't call them oppa, but call me " he pouted

"Okay.." I replied shyly.

"Come on , say oppa..." He said

"Jimin Oppa" I said , and it was so weird

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