Chapter - 6 - Jerks

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I woke up the next morning when my alarm went crazy at 5 in the morning, after coming here I realized how it is to wake up so early. I stood up , looking here and there with my blurry eyes. I blinked thrice to clear my vision. I yawned and went towards the bathroom. Memories of yesterday came in my mind and a smile formed on my lips.

I remembered how I danced with them and how Taehyung felt , well I am still unclear, he is just like a maze to solve. You don't know what is coming and you don't know how to interpret the actions. Well, I shouldn't be thinking of him so early in the morning, I quickly did my morning routine. I came out after the shower and quickly dressed up.

I came out of my room to wake them up. I decided to go to Namjoon's room but I remembered something, I quickly made a turn and went to Jungkook's room . I knocked and luckily, Taehyung opened the door. His hair was messy and he was wearing shorts with a loose angry bird shirt. He looked hot even in this dress up.

"Umm, Can you wake up everybody else and come for the breakfast."

"You are the manager you do it!" He poked me on my forehead and shut the door.

Damn, that was rude, aghhh~~ this rude jerk, someday I will kick his ass off.
I knocked the next door which was shared by the J brothers, Jimin, Jin, J-Hope. I knocked and knocked and finally Jimin opened the door. He was wearing shorts and a black T-shirt and his hair was messy. His eyes looked as if they will pop out and he was yawning .

"Get ready and come down for the breakfast."

"Hye Ji...." He said in a sleepy voice.


"I want to give you a kiss."

"What." I shouted.

He kept his hands on my mouth to cover it and quickly kissed my cheeks and shut the door.

This is from where everything started...

I was shocked by his sudden action that I stood froze in my position. Everything seemed to stop for me. A kiss and the he shut the door on my face?. Damn, they all are crazy.

I moved on to the next room. I knocked , nobody opened it I started kicking the door. Still, no answer. Damn they sleep like lazy elephants. I decided on one thing. I went in the end of the corridor and started running , I came all the way and was about to hit the door when it suddenly opened and I fell into his arms. I looked up and saw Min Yoongi, again , I can't embarrass myself anymore.

"Aisshhh... You again?

He said while helping me stand up.

" I am sorry, you guys weren't waking up."


"Get ready and come down for the breakfast." I said with a smile on my face. But he also shut the door on my face.

I went in the dining hall after waking them all up and took my tray for breakfast. I saw Mr. Lee Jong Suk smiling at me. He came and sat next to me,

"So.. How is it to be their manager?" He asked

"Well, its tiring but amazing and nice at the same time." I smiled.

"You don't have any problems with them right?" He asked

"No, I am perfectly fine with them."

"Do you know you have to take them to their shoot today."

"Yes, I told them to come down to have breakfast, so we quickly go for the shoot."

"I see, you are working really hard. "


"Which video are they going to shoot today?"

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