Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Liv’s POV

“Well that depends… do you?”

His words rang through my ears. Did I want to get back together with him? What am I thinking, of course I do. I hadn’t realized until just a few days ago how much better my life is with him in it.

“Do you?” he asked again.

“Yeah, I think so,”

“You think so?” he jokingly asked and I nodded.

“No, I want a definite answer. Now say yes,” he said and gripped his hands on my arms.

“Yes,” I giggled.

“I don’t believe you,” he said.

“Yes,” I said again a bit more powerful.

Harry’s grin changed into a large giddy smile as he wrapped his arms around me and spun me around. He put me back down, still smiling as he released me.

“So we’re back together?” he asked, obviously needing clarification.

“Yes,” that seems to be the only thing I’m saying is yes, but I don’t think either of us really mind.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me,” he said, still smiling as he pulled me into another hug.

“Just don’t let me down okay? I can’t take another heartbreak…especially from you.” I told him, whispering the last part.

“Don’t worry, I won’t. I can’t imagine ever letting you go again,” he leaned down pecked my cheek.


A few days had passed since Harry and I got back together, and they’ve been the best few days I’ve had in a long time. We were inseparable. We spent ever minute of every day together, whether we’re asleep or awake, we’ve been together. At times I felt like all this was going to fast, but then he would kiss me, or even just wrap his arms around me, and I would forget all my worries.

“I don’t understand what’s going on,” I told Harry.

We were at my apartment watching some adventure movie Harry wanted me to see. I let out an annoyed sigh, this being the third time I got confused during the movie.

“They just found the secret entrance, and now they’re looking for the map they lost,” he explained.

“Well if they lost the map then how did they find the secret entrance?” I asked.

“That entrance isn’t on the map, the map leads them to the treasure. They found where the secret entrance was from a message in a bottle,” Harry said.

“Well who sent the message to them?” I asked.

“We don’t know yet,”

“But then-“ I started,

“Just watch the movie,” Harry said silencing me.

“Fine,” I mumbled, and snuggled closer to his chest.

A few minutes passed, and Harry’s phone started to ring signaling he got a text. He reached over and grabbed his phone.

“It’s a text from Liam,” Harry told me as he unlocked his phone.

“Oh shit,” Harry cursed under his breath.

“What?” I asked, taking my attention away from the movie and back to him.

“I forgot I’m supposed to meet Liam and Louis at his flat,” he told me.

“So you have to leave?” I asked as I looked up at him.

Still Mine // Harry StylesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora