Really feeling better

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Chapter 10

Bridget's POV

"I love you mom."

I was alive, I was moving; I was given a second chance, and yet I don't know how I feel about it. Mentally I still wanted to be dead; I didn't want to face everything that just happened.

"Bridg, I love you so much. I am not mad, at you at all. I just want to talk about what happened, because I want you around forever and I want to know you and spend as much time as I need to talk with you; to get you healthy again." Taylor cups my face before hugging me again. Tears are welling up in her eyes as she looks at me.

I was looking down at my cut that the paramedics wrapped up.

My mind flashes back to the need I had felt to stop living. The little value I believe my life had. I was scared to face anything else after failing so miserably. I had to tell her everything, why I did what I did, how and what got me to the point.

After everything, she asked me what I was thinking at the moment.

"I don't know what I want right now Tay, I am more than thankful for you saving me, but I don't know where my feelings are."

"Bridg, I don't understand where you are coming from, because I've never been in this position. But I am here for you. And I want you here forever. Please know that we are going to work on everything." She hugs me tight, reaching for the towel again to wipe off my cheeks from the vomit.

Taylor cares, so I agreed to work on with everything.

Two weeks later

Taylors POV

Bridget has gotten drastically better, we laugh all the time, and she's really happy. She has her really good days and some days are really bad, the bad ones she will just sit in her room and lay in the bed.

At these times, I don't  go in to annoy her but I go in to make sure she is okay and doesn't need anything. She doesn't talk much on those days, it makes me sad to see her that way, but I know that it's the way to recovery.

This month is the month of the 2011 American Music Awards. I was taking Bridget as my date; and I think she was pretty excited; but she hasn't shown it yet. Bridget is pretty good at not showing me things she's excited about.

This year I was singing Never Grow Up. I released it as a single about a week ago, I've been writing a little bit more for my next album, but I think that it will be another year until I release a full one.

I showed Bridget Never Grow Up that night after everything that happened. She loved it, she started crying afterwards and I thought it was because I did something wrong; but she loved it more than anything and that gave me the guts to release it to the public.

They loved it too, as soon as I put it out; it hit number one within thirteen hours and has been staying there since.

Bridget has given a public apology, claiming she had not been in the right mind set when talking about me on the Ellen show. I knew that was a lie, but that can be between her and me.

The public seemed to accept her apology, giving her sympathy for what had happened that night. Which aggravates Bridget. She just wants her apology to me accepted because she means it, not because she wants sympathy.


Bridget and I were getting ready; well I was and Bridget was still trying to find something to wear. She was more a tom-boy; she would rather wear basketball shorts than jeans or a dress. She was looking at a long sleeve jacket and jeans.

Me being very fashionable I gave her one of my dresses to wear. It was a beautiful short blue dress that had a white on the top and bottom, remaining strapless. Bridget had a beautiful slimming body but it also athletic built. She put it on and she looked stunning.

"Bridget you look absolutely beautiful, you're going to steal the show!"

I saw her look down at her scar; it was very large all the way down her forearm. I could tell she was embarrassed.

"Don't be ashamed; scars make you different from anyone else. You don't want to look like everyone, they're all the same way, be proud of who you are."

She smiled at me and nodded. We hugged and walked out together.

Bridget was  standing close to my side on the red carpet before she reached for my hand; I could tell she was anxious. And I didn't blame her. It was the first time we were out in public together since the Ellen show.

The new band One Direction was behind us, I do think all of them are extremely cute and all are very talented. But one really stood out to me. Harry Styles, he had that bad boy charm to him and those dimples were perfection.

We had made eye contact earlier the evening, giving me a soft smile before looking at Bridget, then given me a sympathetic one.

I did a piano version of Never Grow Up and at the end I got a standing ovation, half way through I started crying and had to stop, in the background on the screens they had pictures of Bridget as a kid and then later in life with me and her. I looked up for a glance and that's when I started crying.

After the performance, my security guard helped me off the stage; bringing me back stage to run exactly into Harry Styles.

"My god I am so sorry." I grabbed his arm in an apologetic way.

"Ms. Swift, it is a pleasure actually, no need to apologize. I just watched your performance and it was brilliant." He looked down at my hand on his arm. I realized that I hadn't moved it away yet. I quickly removed it and he smirked at me.

I felt my cheeks blushing, but I think a part of me knew the second I saw him that this would happen. It's not really anything he said, or anything he did it was the feeling that came along with it, and the crazy thing is I don't know if I'm ever going to feel this way again, but I don't know if I should. I know his world moved too fast and burned too bright, but I just thought how could the devil be pulling you into someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you? Maybe he knew that when he saw me. And maybe I just lost my balance; I was falling for him so fast, and we haven't even exchanged more than ten words.

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