The Library

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The library was dead silent, except for the plump librarian standing in front of us, rambling on and on about how she expected us to behave and be quiet, and think about what got us into this place in the first place. I rolled my eyes, scrolling through my music on my phone. The library door creaked open, followed by footsteps, and the door slamming shut.

“Mr. Pond, you are late.” The librarian said in a bored voice. I looked up to find a gorgeous person striding past the lady. His eyes met mine, and if it was a movie I’m sure it would’ve gone in slow motion, and he smirked. His perfect pink lips curled up into a smirk and his bright green eyes crinkled, and there was no other word I could describe his appearance other than flawless.

He pulled out the chair next to me, dropping his bag as he dropped into the seat. The librarian swept the room one last time with her eyes, before saying she had errands to run and that she would be back in an hour and a half, and that we all better still be here.

“Dustin Pond.” He said, extending his hand with a smile.

“Abby.” I said, ignoring the hand and looking back at my phone. He dropped his hands, but kept his eyes on me.

“No last name?” he asked.

“I’ve got one, but you don’t need to know it.”

“Feisty.” He muttered, and this made me smile. The girl behind us shushed us, and I turned around to face her. It was the same girl that got me in this room in the first place.

“Oh, you shush it. Nobody is bothering you.” I said, mentally slapping her.

“Damn, breathing is good you know.” Dustin Ponds said, making me face him.

“I need to get out of here.” I said, looking at my phone. Only 10 minutes had passed since my brother dropped me off in front of the school.

“Do you wanna go for a walk?” he asked me, standing up and pushing in his chair.

“We aren’t supposed to leave.” I reminded him.

“Do you always do what they tell you to do?” he asked, looking down at me. I looked into his eyes, they were practically captivating me, and before I realized what I was doing, I stood up, pushed my chair in, and followed Dustin Pond out of the library.


We talked, and talked, and talked. Joking and just talking. There wasn’t any awkwardness really, and I felt comfortable with Dustin Pond.

“So, who are you, Abby with an unknown-last-name?” he asked, a grin on his face. We were sitting on a wall in the courtyard, my feet swinging in the air.

“What do you want to know?” I asked, looking up at the sky covered in grey clouds.

“Anything. Everything.”

“Well, everything would take a long time to talk about, right?”

“Yes, but we have time, do we not?” he asked, sending me a smile. I returned it.

“No, technically we only have twelve minutes until the librarian will be back.” I told him, pocketing my phone.

“Well, then I guess we should head back, shouldn’t we?” he asked, hoping off the wall, and helped me down.

We walked quietly through the hall way, me slightly in front of him. I felt his hand touch my butt, and I turned quickly.

“What the hell?” I asked. I was a bit protective of my body, and who the hell knows where his hands had been.

“Relax killer, I just grabbed you phone.” He said, waving it in front of my face.

“Give it back.” I demanded, holding my hand out, but he ignored me and kept walking.

“You know, you should really put a password on your phone. Anybody could get into it.” He told me as he entered letters into a text. He handed me my phone back with a smirk, and I heard his phone go off in his pocket.

“I don’t have time for passwords. They complicated everything.” I muttered, as we entered the library. About two moments after we sat down, the librarian entered the room, and Dustin Ponds and I simply smiled at each other.


My brother sat across from me at the dinner table, which, other than the two of us, was empty. Let’s put it this way: Our mom worked all day and then partied all night and didn’t have time for children, and my dad was an asshole that left the moment he heard that my mom was pregnant with twins.

“Thank you for the ride this morning.” I told him, taking a bite out of the taco in front of me.

“You’re welcome. Let’s just not make a habit out of it” he said, and we started laughing, knowing that I probably would. My brother and I were known for getting in trouble at school, and outside of school.

“Well, I’m tired. ‘Night kid.” He said, messing up my hair as he passed by. I gathered our plates and put them in the sink before going into my room and putting on music and surfed the internet. After an hour of looking on a blog, my phone vibrated on the table next to my bed.

Unknown number:

Goodnight Abby No-Last-Name. Sweet dreams beautiful ;)

A giant grin appeared on my face as I saved the number.

“Goodnight Dustin Pond.” I said to myself, shaking my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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